One possible problem I noticed is device node name.


 65 block       SCSI disk devices (16-31)
                  0 = /dev/sdq          17th SCSI disk whole disk
                 16 = /dev/sdr          18th SCSI disk whole disk
                 32 = /dev/sds          19th SCSI disk whole disk
                240 = /dev/sdaf         32nd SCSI disk whole disk

                Partitions are handled in the same way as for IDE
                disks (see major number 3) except that the limit on
                partitions is 15.

 81 char        video4linux
                  0 = /dev/video0       Video capture/overlay device
                 63 = /dev/video63      Video capture/overlay device
                 64 = /dev/radio0       Radio device
                127 = /dev/radio63      Radio device
                224 = /dev/vbi0         Vertical blank interrupt
                255 = /dev/vbi31        Vertical blank interrupt

What I understand, /dev/sdr is not suitable node name as it conflicts with existing node name. Any ideas?


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