On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 12:36:46PM +0200, javier Martin wrote:
> Hi Sascha,
> I almost have a final version ready which includes multi-instance
> support (not tested though) [1]. As I stated, we assumed the extra
> effort of looking at your code in [2] in order to provide a mechanism
> that preserves compatibility between VPUs in i.MX21, i.MX51 and
> i.MX53. This is the only thing left in order to send the driver for
> mainline submission.
> While I was reading your code I found out that you keep the following
> formats for v1 (codadx6-i.MX27) codec:
> static int vpu_v1_codecs[VPU_CODEC_MAX] = {
>       [VPU_CODEC_AVC_DEC] = 2,
>       [VPU_CODEC_VC1_DEC] = -1,
>       [VPU_CODEC_MP2_DEC] = -1,
>       [VPU_CODEC_DV3_DEC] = -1,
>       [VPU_CODEC_RV_DEC] = -1,
>       [VPU_CODEC_MJPG_DEC] = 0x82,
>       [VPU_CODEC_AVC_ENC] = 3,
>       [VPU_CODEC_MP4_ENC] = 1,
>       [VPU_CODEC_MJPG_ENC] = 0x83,
> };
> As I understand, this means the following operations are supported:
> 1- H264 decoding.
> 2- H264 encoding
> 3- MP4 encoding.
> 4- MJPG  decoding.
> 5- MJPG encoding.
> I totally agree with MP4 and H264 formats but, are you sure about
> MJPG? I have a i.MX27 v1 codec (codadx6) but I didn't know that this
> codec supported MJPG. Have you tested this code with an i.MX27 and
> MJPG? Where did you find out that it supports this format?

We haven't tested MJPG on the i.MX27. The table above is from the
original Freescale code, so I assume it's correct and I assume that
the coda dx6 can do MJPEG.

> Are you
> using firmware version 2.2.4 for v1 codecs?

No, 2.2.5


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