Hola ;)

> From other discussions we've had at the ML, it seems that devices sold in
> Argentina with analog tuners sometimes come with a NTSC tuner, and sometimes
> come with an European PAL tuner. They solve the frequency shifts that
> happen there via some tda9887 (and/or tuner-simple) adjustments.
> It seems that the setup, when using one type, is different than the other.
> That's why we need to know exactly what it is the tuner that your device
> has.
> So, from time to time, we receive patches from someone in Argentina fixing
> support for one type, but breaking support for the other type.
> What we need is that someone with technical expertise and with the two types
> of devices, with access to real PAL-Nc signals, to work on a solution that
> would set it accordingly, depending on the actual tuner used on it.

I live in Argentina, and have access to digital signal and some
tuners. Perhaps I could
help, provided someone cares to send me the relevant devices?

Gonzalo: What device is that?
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