
I am new to the mailing list and wanted to pick some of your guys brains about something. I work for a small cable service provider. What I am trying to do is receive a multicast stream, modulate it and send it out as an EIA analog channel. I have everything in place but the hardware to do it.

I know there is equipment built for this specific reason(RGP SEP, APEX1000, etc) but this is just going to be a temporary fix as we are doing a total video overhaul and moving to all MPEG4 capable equipment. I am a fairly experienced linux user and I figured there is a way to accomplish this with linux but all of my reasearch hasn't really helped so I'm reaching out to you. Has anyone ever done this? or know of any good reference sites for this?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,
Matt Bernardi
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