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On Do (Donnerstag) 10.Nov (November) 2011, 22:20,  Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:

> We should also think on a way to enumerate the supported values for each DVB $
> the enum fe_caps is not enough anymore to store everything. It currently has $
> filled (of a total of 32 bits), and we currently have:
>       12 code rates (including AUTO/NONE);

I'm probably not looking at the correct source, but the numbers
seem to match, so I'll just note that in what I'm looking at,
there are missing the values  1/3  and  2/5 .

But I have to apologise in that I've also not been paying
attention to this conversation, and haven't even been trying
to follow recent developments.

>       13 modulation types;

Here I see missing  QAM1024  and  QAM4096 .

>       7 transmission modes;
>       7 bandwidths;

Apparently DVB-C2 allows us any bandwidth from 8MHz to 450MHz,
rather than the discrete values used by the other systems.
If this is also applicable to other countries with 6MHz rasters,
would it be necessary in addition to specify carrier spacing,
either 2,232kHz or 1,674kHz as opposed to getting this from the
channel bandwidth?

>       8 guard intervals (including AUTO);

Here I observe the absence of  1/64 .

>       5 hierarchy names;
>       4 rolloff's (probably, we'll need to add 2 more, to distinguish between$

Of course, I'm just pointing out what I find, as I really don't
know anything about the transport systems, and someone who 
actually does might be able to say more, and correct my errors.

So just ignore me -- I'd rather see these values added sooner
than later if needed.  Apparently the broadcasts from Borups
Allé scheduled to start sometime around now will be switching
over to use those mentioned to test their increased robustness.

barry bouwsma

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