On 6 August 2011 04:56, Alistair Buxton <a.j.bux...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> With the latest driver my card never gets a signal lock, not even
> once. As before there are no error messages. It does always probe
> correctly now though.

I tracked this down to:


and to this specific change:

@@ -459,21 +563,14 @@ static int rtl28xxu_power_ctrl(struct
dvb_usb_device *d, int onoff)
                sys0 = sys0 & 0x0f;
                sys0 |= 0xe0;
        } else {
-#if 0 /* keep */
                 * FIXME: Use .fe_ioctl_override() to prevent demod
-                * IOCTLs in case of device is powered off.
-                *
-                * For now we cannot power off device because most FE IOCTLs
-                * can be performed only when device is powered.
-                * Using IOCTLs when device is powered off will result errors
-                * because register access to demod fails.
+                * IOCTLs in case of device is powered off. Or change
+                * RTL2830 demod not perform requestesd IOCTL & IO when sleep.
                gpio &= (~0x01); /* GPIO0 = 0 */
                gpio |= 0x10; /* GPIO4 = 1 */
                sys0 = sys0 & (~0xc0);

        deb_info("%s: WR SYS0=%02x GPIO_OUT_VAL=%02x\n", __func__, sys0, gpio);

Commenting those three lines makes the driver work again. Don't know
yet if it will keep working for longer than a couple of days.

Alistair Buxton
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