On 27 May 2011 16:31, Laurent Pinchart
<laurent.pinch...@ideasonboard.com> wrote:
> Hi Javier,
> On Thursday 26 May 2011 13:31:37 javier Martin wrote:
>> OK, I think I've found the problem with the power management.
>> As it is stated in mt9p031 datasheet [3] p 59, a sequence involving
>> [VAA,VAA_PIX,VDD_PLL], [VDD,VDD_IO], [Reset] and [Ext Clk] must be
>> followed in order to properly power up or down the sensor.
>> If we take a look to the LI-5M031 schematic[1] and Beagleboard xM
>> schematic [2] we'll notice that voltages are connected as follows:
>> [VDD] (1,8V) <--- V2.8 <--- CAM_CORE <--- VAUX3 TPS65950
>> [VDD_IO (VDDQ)] (1,8V) <--- V1.8 <--- CAM_IO <--- VAUX4 TPS65950
>> [VAA, VAA_PIX, VDD_PLL] (2,8V) <---| U6 |<-- V3.3VD <-- HUB_3V3 <--|
>> U16 | enabled by USBHOST_PWR_EN <-- LEDA TPS65950
>> VAUX3 (VDD) and VAUX4 (VDD_IO) are fine, they are only used for
>> powering our camera sensor. However, when it comes to the analog part
>> (VAA, VAA_PIX...), it is got from HUB_3V3 which is also used for
>> powering USB and ethernet.
> *sigh* Why do hardware designers do things like that, really ?
>> If we really want to activate/deactivate regulators that power mt9p031
>> we need to follow [3] p59. However, for that purpose we need to ensure
>> that a call to regulator_enable() or regulator_disable() will really
>> power on/off that supply, otherwise the sequence won't be matched and
>> the chip will have problems.
>> Beagleboard xM is a good example of platform where this happens since
>> HUB_3V3 and thus (VAA, VAA_PIX, etc...) cannot be deactivated since it
>> is being used by other devices. But there could be others.
>> So, as a conclusion, and in order to unblock my work, my purpose for
>> power management in mt9p031 would be the following:
>> - Drop regulator handling as we cannot guarantee that power on
>> sequence will be accomplished.
>> - Keep on asserting/de-asserting reset which saves a lot of power.
>> - Also activate/deactivate clock when necessary to save some power.
>> I'm looking forward to read your comments on this.
> Even if you keep the sensor powered all the time, how do you ensure that VAUX3
> is available before HUB_3V3 when the system is powered up ?

You can't. And in fact what happens its the opposite. But it works.

On the other hand, not being able to disable/enable HUB_3V3 can make,
as a hardware guy has told me, power on reset internal circuit not to
work [1] and thus the power down / power up fails.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power-on_reset

Javier Martin
Vista Silicon S.L.
CDTUC - FASE C - Oficina S-345
Avda de los Castros s/n
39005- Santander. Cantabria. Spain
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