missing. sorry :)

2011-05-25 오후 3:49, Kim, HeungJun 쓴 글:
> Hi Laurent,
> I try to add the more exposure methods of the M-5MOLS driver. Currently,
> the only 2 exposure type are available in the M-5MOLS driver -
> V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO, V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL. But, the HW is capable to 

the HW is capable to shutter, aperture exposure value, of course auto exposure. 
> So, I found the only UVC driver looks like using extra enumerations
> But, I don't know how to set the each value in the each mode.
> The way pointed the specific value is only one - V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_ABSOLUTE.
> So, how can I set the specific value at the each mode?
> Regards,
> Heungjun Kim

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