On 23/04/11 00:16, Issa Gorissen wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> I'm trying to make the DVB_DEVICE_SEC approach work, however I'm 
>> experiencing certain problems with the following setup:
>> Software:
>> Linux (vanilla)
>> drivers from http://linuxtv.org/hg/~endriss/v4l-dvb/ 
>> <http://linuxtv.org/hg/%7Eendriss/v4l-dvb/>
>> Hardware:
>> Digital Devices CineS2 + CI Module
>> Problems:
>> - Packets get lost in SEC device:
>> I write complete TS to SEC, but when reading from SEC there are 
>> discontinuities on the CC.
>> - SEC device generates NULL packets (ad infinitum):
>> When reading from SEC, NULL packets are read and interleaved with 
>> expected packets. They can be even read with dd(1) when nobody is 
>> writing to SEC and even when CAM is not ready.
>> - SEC device blocks on CAM re-insertion:
>> When CAM is removed from the slot and inserted again, all read() 
>> operations just hang. Rebooting resolves the problem.
>> - SEC device does not respect O_NONBLOCK:
>> In connection to the previous problem, SEC device blocks even if opened 
>> with O_NONBLOCK.
>> Best regards,
>> Martin Vidovic
> Hi,
> Running a bunch of test with gnutv and a DuoFLEX S2.
> I saw the same problem concerning the decryption with a CAM.
> I'm running kern 2.6.39 rc 4 with the latest patches from Oliver. Also
> applied the patch moving from SEC to CAIO.
> I would run gnutv  like 'gnutv -out stdout channelname >
> /dev/dvb/adapter0/caio0' and then 'cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/caio0 | mplayer -'
> Mplayer would complain the file is invalid. Simply running simply 'cat
> /dev/dvb/adapter0/caio0' will show me the same data pattern over and over.
> Anyone using ngene based card with a CAM running successfully ?

Hi Ralph,

Could you enlighten us on the following matter please ?

I took a look inside cxd2099.c and I found that the method I suspect to
read/write data from/to the CAM are not activated.

static struct dvb_ca_en50221 en_templ = {
    .read_attribute_mem  = read_attribute_mem,
    .write_attribute_mem = write_attribute_mem,
    .read_cam_control    = read_cam_control,
    .write_cam_control   = write_cam_control,
    .slot_reset          = slot_reset,
    .slot_shutdown       = slot_shutdown,
    .slot_ts_enable      = slot_ts_enable,
    .poll_slot_status    = poll_slot_status,
    .read_data           = read_data,
    .write_data          = write_data,


Methods read_data and write_data are both enclosed inside the
BUFFER_MODE test. Also, current version of struct dvb_ca_en50221 does
not provide for read_data/write_data methods, right ?

If I recall right, you once told that you manage to test the CAM
how did you do ?

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