Hi, This is a third proposal for an interface for controlling flash devices on the V4L2/v4l2_subdev APIs. My plan is to use the interface in the ADP1653 driver, the flash controller used in the Nokia N900.
Thanks to everyone who commented the previous version of this RFC! I hope I managed to factor in everyone's comments. Please bug me if you think I missed something. :-) Comments and questions are very, very welcome as always. There are still many open questions which I would like to resolve. I've written my proposal on the two last ones below the question itself. Changes since v2 [9] ==================== - Rearranged proposed controls. V4L2_CID_FLASH_LED_MODE is now the first control. - Added an open question on naming of indicator and torch controls. - V4L2_CID_FLASH_STROBE_MODE renamed to V4L2_CID_FLASH_STROBE_WHENCE. V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_WHENCE renamed to V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE. - Removed CID_ from V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE values. - Added a new use case based on [11]: Synchronised LED flash (hardware strobe, timed exposure). - Added section on possible future extensions. - Complemented the open question on units. Changes since v1 [7] ==================== - V4L2_FLASH_STROBE_MODE_EXT_STROBE renamed to V4L2_FLASH_STROBE_MODE_EXTERNAL. - V4L2_CID_FLASH_STROBE control changed from button to bool. - Removed suggestion of adding V4L2_CID_FLASH_DURATION. V4L2_CID_FLASH_TIMEOUT is used as hardware timeout. - Added control access info (ro/rw). - V4L2_FLASH_MODE_NONE added, V4L2_FLASH_LED_MODE_FLASH no longer forced as 1 in enum. - Bits use (1 << x) instead of 0x00... format. - Added an open question on flash LED mode controls. - Added an open question on a new control: V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_WHENCE. - Added an open question on control units. Scope ===== This RFC is focused mostly on the ADP1653 [1] and similar chips [2, 3] which provides following functionality. [2, 3] mostly differ on the available faults --- for example, there are faults also for the indicator LED. - High power LED output (flash or torch modes) - Low power indicator LED output (a.k.a. privacy light) - Programmable flash timeout - Software and hardware strobe - Fault detection - Overvoltage - Overtemperature - Short circuit - Timeout - Programmable current (both high-power and indicator LEDs) If anyone else is aware of hardware which significantly differs from these and does not get served well under the proposed interface, please tell about it. This RFC does NOT address the synchronisation of the flash to a given frame since this task is typically performed by the sensor through a strobe signal. The host does not have enough information for this --- exact timing information on the exposure of the sensor pixel array. In this case the flash synchronisation is visible to the flash controller as the hardware strobe originating from the sensor. Flash synchronisation requires 1) flash control capability from the sensor including a strobe output, 2) strobe input in the flash controller, 3) (optionally) ability to program sensor parameters at given frame, such as flash strobe, and 4) ability to read back metadata produced by the sensor related to a given frame. This should include whether the frame is exposed with flash, i.e. the sensor's flash strobe output. Since we have little examples of both in terms of hardware support, which is in practice required, it was decided to postpone the interface specification for now. [6] Xenon flash controllers exist but I don't have a specific example of those. Typically the interface is quite simple. Gpio pins for charge and strobe. The length of the strobe signal determines the strength of the flash pulse. The strobe is controlled by the sensor as for LED flash if it is hardware based. See "Possible future extensions" section below for more. Known use cases =============== The use case listed below concentrate on using a flash in a mobile device, for example in a mobile phone. The use cases could be somewhat different in devices the primary use of which is camera. Unsynchronised LED flash (software strobe) ------------------------------------------ Unsynchronised LED flash is controlled directly by the host as the sensor. The flash must be enabled by the host before the exposure of the image starts and disabled once it ends. The host is fully responsible for the timing of the flash. Example of such device: Nokia N900. Synchronised LED flash (hardware strobe) ---------------------------------------- The synchronised LED flash is pre-programmed by the host (power and timeout) but controlled by the sensor through a strobe signal from the sensor to the flash. The sensor controls the flash duration and timing. This control typically must be programmed to the sensor, and specifying an interface for this is out of scope of this RFC. The LED flash controllers we know of can function in both synchronised and unsynchronised modes. LED flash as torch ------------------ LED flash may be used as torch in conjunction with another use case involving camera or individually. [4] Synchronised xenon flash ------------------------ The synchronised xenon flash is controlled more closely by the sensor than the LED flash. There is no separate intensity control for the xenon flash as its intensity is determined by the length of the strobe pulse. Several consecutive strobe pluses are possible but this needs to be still controlled by the sensor. Synchronised xenon flash (timed exposure) ---------------------------------------------------------- The same as above, but the flash is triggered around the end of the exposure. [11] This also probably requires a sensor which can do synchronous exposure, i.e. can start (and stop) the exposure of all lines at the same time. Proposed interface ================== The flash, either LED or xenon, does not require large amounts of data to control it. There are parameters to control it but they are independent and assumably some hardware would only support some subsets of the functionality available somewhere else. Thus V4L2 controls seem an ideal way to support flash controllers. A separate control class is reserved for the flash controls. It is called V4L2_CTRL_CLASS_FLASH. Type of the control; type of flash is in parentheses after the control. V4L2_CID_FLASH_LED_MODE (menu; rw; LED) enum v4l2_flash_led_mode { V4L2_FLASH_LED_MODE_NONE, V4L2_FLASH_LED_MODE_FLASH, V4L2_FLASH_LED_MODE_TORCH, }; V4L2_CID_FLASH_STROBE (boolean; rw; LED) Strobe the flash using software strobe from the host, typically over I2C or a GPIO. The flash is NOT synchronised to sensor pixel are exposure since the command is given asynchronously. Alternatively, if the flash controller is a master in the system, the sensor exposure may be triggered based on software strobe. This control may also be used to shut down the strobe and query the state of the strobe (on/off). V4L2_CID_FLASH_STROBE_WHENCE (menu; rw; LED) Use hardware or software strobe. If hardware strobe is selected, the flash controller is a slave in the system where the sensor produces the strobe signal to the flash. In this case the flash controller setup is limited to programming strobe timeout and power (LED flash) and the sensor controls the timing and length of the strobe. enum v4l2_flash_strobe_whence { V4L2_FLASH_STROBE_WHENCE_SOFTWARE, V4L2_FLASH_STROBE_WHENCE_EXTERNAL, }; V4L2_CID_FLASH_TIMEOUT (integer; rw; LED) The flash controller provides timeout functionality to shut down the led in case the host fails to do that. For hardware strobe, this is the maximum amount of time the flash should stay on, and the purpose of the setting is to prevent the LED from catching fire. For software strobe, the setting may be used to limit the length of the strobe using a hardware watchdog. The granularity of the timeout in [1, 2, 3] is very coarse. A standard unit such as ms or µs should be used. V4L2_CID_FLASH_INTENSITY (integer; rw; LED) Intensity of the flash in hardware specific units. The LED flash controller provides current to the LED but the actual luminous power is dictated by the LED connected to the controller. V4L2_CID_FLASH_TORCH_INTENSITY (integer; rw; LED) Intensity of the flash in hardware specific units. V4L2_CID_FLASH_INDICATOR_INTENSITY (integer; rw; LED) Intensity of the indicator light in hardware specific units. V4L2_CID_FLASH_FAULT (bit field; ro; LED) This is a bitmask containing the fault information for the flash. This assumes the proposed V4L2 bit mask controls [5]; otherwise this would likely need to be a set of controls. #define V4L2_FLASH_FAULT_OVER_VOLTAGE (1 << 0) #define V4L2_FLASH_FAULT_TIMEOUT (1 << 1) #define V4L2_FLASH_FAULT_OVER_TEMPERATURE (1 << 2) #define V4L2_FLASH_FAULT_SHORT_CIRCUIT (1 << 3) Several faults may occur at single occasion. The ADP1653 is able to inform the user a fault has occurred, so a V4L2 control event (proposed earlier) could be used for that. These faults are supported by the ADP1653. More faults may be added as support for more chips require that. In some other hardware faults are available for indicator led as well. V4L2_CID_FLASH_CHARGE (bool; rw; xenon) Charge control for the xenon flash. Enable or disable charging. V4L2_CID_FLASH_READY (bool; ro; xenon, LED) Flash is ready to strobe. On xenon flash this tells the capacitor has been charged, on LED flash it's that the LED is no longer too hot. The implementation on LED flash may be modelling the temperature behaviour of the LED in the driver (or elsewhere, e.g. library or board code) if the hardware does not provide direct temperature information from the LED. A V4L2 control event should be produced whenever the flash becomes ready. V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE (bool; rw; xenon, LED) Whether the flash controller considers external strobe as edge, when the only limit of the strobe is the timeout on flash controller, or level, when the flash strobe will last as long as the strobe signal, or as long until the timeout expires. enum v4l2_flash_external_strobe_mode { V4L2_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE_LEVEL, V4L2_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE_EDGE, }; Open questions ============== 1. Flash LED mode control ------------------------- Should the flash led mode control be a single control or a set of controls? A single control would make it easier for application to choose between different modes, but on the other hand limits future extensibility if there would have to be further splitting of the modes. [8] 2. Renaming of V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE -------------------------------------------------- Should V4L2_CID_FLASH_EXTERNAL_STROBE_MODE be renamed? Are _EDGE and _LEVEL menu values enough to describe the functionality? 3. Units -------- Which units should e.g. V4L2_CID_FLASH_TIMEOUT be using? It'd be very useful to have standard unit on this control, like ms or µs. Some controls, like V4L2_CID_FLASH_INTENSITY, can't easily use a standard unit. The luminous output depends on the LED connected (you could use an incandescent lightbulb too, I suppose?) to the flash controller. These controls typically control the current supplied by the flash controller. The timing controls on the sensor could use pixels (or lines) since these are the units the sensor uses itself. Converting between pixels (or lines) and SI units is trivial since the pixel clock is known in the user space. The flash chip, on the other hand, has no knowledge of sensor pixel clock, so it should use SI units. Also, the timing control currently in the flash chip itself is very coarse. PROPOSAL: If the component has internal timing which is known elsewhere, such the sensor, the controls should use these units. Otherwise, standard SI units should be used. In the sensor's case, this could be µs. 4. Naming of indicator and torch intensity ------------------------------------------ Should indicator and torch intensity controls have FLASH in them? This would make V4L2_CID_FLASH a common prefix for all the flash related controls. On the other hand, there could be a torch or an indicator device without a flash, too. PROPOSAL: V4L2_CID_FLASH_TORCH_INTENSITY V4L2_CID_FLASH_INDICATOR_INTENSITY Possible future extensions ========================== 1. Indicator faults ------------------- Some chips do support these. As they are part of the same register (at least on some chips [10]), they could be part of V4L2_CID_FLASH_FAULT control. 2. Strobe output control on sensor ---------------------------------- Sensor requires strobe output control to trigger hardware strobe (on next possible frame). 3. Sensor metadata on frames ---------------------------- It'd be useful to be able to read back sensor metadata. If the flash is strobed (on sensor hardware) while streaming, it's difficult to know otherwise which frame in the stream has been exposed with flash. 4. Timing of strobe ------------------- Hardware strobe timing relative to frame start. The length of the strobe should be timeable as well. 5. Flash type control --------------------- Probably it'd be good to be able to tell which kind of flash we have (xenon/LED). This should be added no later than we have a xenon flash driver. References ========== [1] ADP1653 datasheet. http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/ADP1653.pdf [2] LM3555. http://www.national.com/mpf/LM/LM3555.html#Overview [3] AS3645 product brief. http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/eng/Products/Lighting-Management/Camera-Flash-LED-Drivers/AS3645 [4] Flashlight applet for the N900. http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/flashlight-applet/ [5] V4L2 Warszaw brainstorming meeting notes, day 2. http://www.retiisi.org.uk/v4l2/v4l2-brainstorming-warsaw-2011-03/notes/day%202%20(SGz6LU2esk).html [6] V4L2 Warszaw brainstorming meeting notes, day 3. http://www.retiisi.org.uk/v4l2/v4l2-brainstorming-warsaw-2011-03/notes/day%203%20(RhoYa0X9D7).html [7] [RFC] V4L2 flash API for flash devices. http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg30725.html [8] http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg30794.html [9] [RFC v2] V4L2 flash API for flash devices. http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg31135.html [10] AS3645 datasheet. http://www.cdiweb.com/datasheets/austriamicro/AS3645_Datasheet_v1-6.pdf [11] Andrew's use cases for flash. http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg31363.html Cheers, -- Sakari Ailus sakari.ai...@maxwell.research.nokia.com -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-media" in the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html