On 13/03/11 11:47, Martin Vidovic wrote:
>> Btw, we should choose a more meaningful name for 'camX'.
>> I would prefer something like cainoutX or caioX or cinoutX or cioX.
> I agree, camX could be misleading since it's not necessarily a CAM
> application.
> According to EN 50221 the two interfaces are named Command Interface
> (for caX)
> and Transport Stream Interface (for camX). Then maybe 'tsiX' would be
> an appropriate
> name?
> Anyway, 'cioX' sounds good too.

I'll prepare the patch with caio (for conditional access I/O) if all
agrees on it. tsi is a good candidate as it perfectly matches the
standard specification, but then, ca should have been ci...

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