Introduction ------------ This is the proposal of the initial version of design and implementation of the Davinci family (dm644x,dm355,dm365)VPFE (Video Port Front End) drivers using Media Controloler , the initial version which supports the following: 1) dm365 vpfe 2) ccdc,previewer,resizer,h3a,af blocks 3) supports only continuous mode and not on-the-fly 4) supports user pointer exchange and memory mapped modes for buffer allocation
This driver bases its design on Laurent Pinchart's Media Controller Design whose patches for Media Controller and subdev enhancements form the base. The driver also takes copious elements taken from Laurent Pinchart and others' OMAP ISP driver based on Media Controller. So thank you all the people who are responsible for the Media Controller and the OMAP ISP driver. Also, the core functionality of the driver comes from the arago vpfe capture driver of which the CCDC capture was based on V4L2, with other drivers like Previwer, Resizer and other being individual character drivers. The current driver caters to dm6446,dm355 and dm365 of which the current implementation works for dm365. The three VPFE IPs have some common elements in terms of some highe level functionality but there are differences in terms of register definitions and some core blocks. The individual specifications for each of these can be found here: dm6446 vpfe: dm355 vpfe: dm365 vpfe: The initial version of the driver implementation can be found here:;h=refs/heads/mc_release Driver Design: Main entities ---------------------------- The hardware modules for dm355,dm365 are mainly ipipe, ipipeif,isif. These hardware modules are generically exposed to the user level in the for of dm6446 style modules. Mainly - ccdc, previewer, resizer in addition to the other histogram and auto color/white balance correction and auto focus modules. 1)MT9P031 sensor module for RAW capture 2)TVP7002 decoder module for HD inputs 3)TVP514x decoder module for SD inputs 4)CCDC capture module 5)Previewer Module for Bayer to YUV conversion 6)Resizer Module for scaling Connection for on-the-fly capture --------------------------------- Mt9P031 ------>CCDC--->Previewer(optional)--->Resizer(optional)--->Video | TVP7002 --- | TV514x --- File Organisation ----------------- main driver files ---------------- drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_capture.c include/media/davinci/vpfe_capture.h Instantiatiation of the v4l2 device, media device and all subdevs from here. video Interface files --------------------- drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_video.c include/media/davinci/vpfe_video.h Implements all the v4l2 video operations with a generic implementation for continuous and one shot mode. subdev interface files ---------------------- These file implement the subdev interface functionality for each of the subdev entities - mainly the entry points and their implementations in a IP generic way. drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_ccdc.c drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_previewer.c drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_resizer.c drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_af.c drivers/media/video/davinci/vpfe_aew.c drivers/media/video/tvp514x.c drivers/media/video/tvp7002.c drivers/media/video/ths7353.c include/media/davinci/vpfe_ccdc.h include/media/davinci/vpfe_previewer.h include/media/davinci/vpfe_resizer.h include/media/davinci/vpfe_af.h include/media/davinci/vpfe_aew.h include/media/tvp514x.h drivers/media/video/tvp514x_regs.h include/media/tvp7002.h drivers/media/video/tvp7002_reg.h core implementation files ------------------------- These provide a core implementation routines for ccdc, ipipeif, ipipe,aew, af, resizer hardware modules. drivers/char/imp_common.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm365_ccdc.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm355_ccdc.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm644x_ccdc.c drivers/char/dm355_ipipe.c drivers/char/dm355_ipipe_hw.c drivers/char/dm355_def_para.c drivers/char/dm365_ipipe.c drivers/char/dm365_def_para.c drivers/char/dm365_ipipe_hw.c drivers/char/dm6446_imp.c drivers/char/davinci_resizer_hw.c drivers/char/dm3xx_ipipe.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm365_aew.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm365_af.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm365_a3_hw.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm355_aew.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm355_af.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm355_aew_hw.c drivers/media/video/davinci/dm355_af_hw.c include/media/davinci/imp_common.h include/media/davinci/dm365_ccdc.h include/media/davinci/dm355_ccdc.h include/media/davinci/dm644x_ccdc.h include/media/davinci/dm355_ipipe.h include/media/davinci/dm365_ipipe.h include/media/davinci/imp_hw_if.h include/media/davinci/dm3xx_ipipe.h include/media/davinci/dm365_aew.h include/media/davinci/dm365_af.h include/media/davinci/dm365_a3_hw.h include/media/davinci/dm355_aew.h include/media/davinci/dm355_af.h include/media/davinci/dm355_aew_hw.h include/media/davinci/dm355_af_hw.h include/media/davinci/vpfe_types.h drivers/media/video/davinci/dm365_ccdc_regs.h drivers/media/video/davinci/dm355_ccdc_regs.h drivers/media/video/davinci/dm644x_ccdc_regs.h drivers/media/video/davinci/ccdc_hw_device.h drivers/char/dm355_ipipe_hw.h drivers/char/dm355_def_para.h drivers/char/dm365_def_para.h drivers/char/dm365_ipipe_hw.h drivers/char/davinci_resizer_hw.h TODOs: ====== 1. Single shot implementation for previewer and resizer. 2. Seperation of v4l2 video related structures and routines to aid single shot implementation. 3. Support NV12 format 4. Move the files from char folder to drivers/media/video along with headers 5. Make the aew and af headers common between dm355 and dm365. 6. Enable dm355 and dm6446 functionality by making appropriate platform changes -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-media" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at