On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Nicolas Will <n...@youplala.net> wrote:
> Hello
> The DVB-T2 USB stick appears to be in stock in the UK.
> Product page:
> http://www.pctvsystems.com/Products/ProductsEuropeAsia/Digitalproducts/PCTVnanoStickT2/tabid/248/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
> Play.com, Dabs and Amzon.co.uk list it as in stock.
> Is there any work started on a driver at this point?
> If no work has started, would a loan/donation of a stick help?
> What can be done to trigger/accelerate the provision of a driver?

Somebody would have to break down and reverse engineer the Sony T2
demod.  I saw something over in mythtv-users where somebody took a
unit apart and photographed it, and he's suggested that he's started
working on a driver.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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