On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Dmitri Belimov <d.beli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Rework xc_write_reg function for correct read register of the xc5000.
> It is very useful for tm6000.
> Tested for tm6000 and for saa7134 works well.

Hi Dmitri,

I've put this on my list of patches to review.  My concern is that the
xc_wait logic is pretty nasty since it's related to timing of the bus
(it took several weeks as well as a dozen emails with the people at
Xceive), and hence I am loathed to change it since it took quite a bit
of time to test against all the different cards that use xc5000 (and
in some cases there were bugs exposed in various bridge's i2c

That said, I think I actually did attempt to implement a patch
comparable to what you did here, but I backed it out for some reason.
I will need to review my trees and my notes to see what the rationale
was for doing such.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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