Aguirre, Sergio wrote:
>> At the email, please always send a summary of what's being send. Such 
>> summary is produced by
>> this commands:
>>         git diff -M --stat --summary $ORIGIN `git branch |grep ^\*|cut -b3-`
>>         echo
>>         git log --pretty=short $ORIGIN..|git shortlog
>> where $ORIGIN is the commit hash of the tree before your patches.
> Either that, or you can use following command:

Good tip! I wrote the above commands based on my own submit script, that were 
written before
this command being added on -git ;)

I've updated the procedure to reflect this change.

In order to be easier for people to view the new version, I've added it at our 

I did one or two cosmetic changes there also, and I added an useful information 
on how to submit
a fix patch that should also be applied at -stable.

For those that are sending contributions, I ask to not directly update the wiki 
(except if the
changes are cosmetic only) but send first an email about the proposed changes 
at this thread,
to allow a better review of the proposed changes.

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