On 12/19/2018 08:16 AM, Tomasz Figa wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 4:04 PM Jonas Karlman <jo...@kwiboo.se> wrote:
>> On 2018-12-19 06:10, Tomasz Figa wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 9:28 PM Hans Verkuil <hverkuil-ci...@xs4all.nl> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 12/12/18 7:28 PM, Jonas Karlman wrote:
>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>> Since this function only return DEQUEUED and DONE buffers,
>>>>> it cannot be used to find a capture buffer that is both used for
>>>>> frame output and is part of the frame reference list.
>>>>> E.g. a bottom field referencing a top field that is already
>>>>> part of the capture buffer being used for frame output.
>>>>> (top and bottom field is output in same buffer)
>>>>> Jernej Škrabec and me have worked around this issue in cedrus driver by
>>>>> first checking
>>>>> the tag/timestamp of the current buffer being used for output frame.
>>>>> // field pictures may reference current capture buffer and is not
>>>>> returned by vb2_find_tag
>>>>> if (v4l2_buf->tag == dpb->tag)
>>>>>     buf_idx = v4l2_buf->vb2_buf.index;
>>>>> else
>>>>>     buf_idx = vb2_find_tag(cap_q, dpb->tag, 0);
>>>>> What is the recommended way to handle such case?
>>>> That is the right approach for this. Interesting corner case, I hadn't
>>>> considered that.
>>>>> Could vb2_find_timestamp be extended to allow QUEUED buffers to be 
>>>>> returned?
>>>> No, because only the driver knows what the current buffer is.
>>>> Buffers that are queued to the driver are in state ACTIVE. But there may be
>>>> multiple ACTIVE buffers and vb2 doesn't know which buffer is currently
>>>> being processed by the driver.
>>>> So this will have to be checked by the driver itself.
>>> Hold on, it's a perfectly valid use case to have the buffer queued but
>>> still used as a reference for previously queued buffers, e.g.
>>> QBUF(O, 0)
>>> QBUF(C, 0)
>>> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(0))
>>> QBUF(O, 1)
>>> QBUF(C, 1)
>>> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(0))
>>> QBUF(O, 2)
>>> QBUF(C, 2)
>>> <- driver returns O(0) and C(0) here
>>> <- userspace also knows that any next frame will not reference C(0) anymore
>>> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(2))
>>> QBUF(O, 0)
>>> QBUF(C, 0)
>>> <- driver may pick O(1)+C(1) or O(2)+C(2) to decode here, but C(0)
>>> which is the reference for it is already QUEUED.
>>> It's a perfectly fine scenario and optimal from pipelining point of
>>> view, but if I'm not missing something, the current patch wouldn't
>>> allow it.
>> This scenario should never happen with FFmpeg + v4l2request hwaccel +
>> Kodi userspace.
>> FFmpeg would only QBUF O(0)+C(0) again after it has been presented on
>> screen and Kodi have released the last reference to the AVFrame.
> I skipped the display in the example indeed, but we can easily add it:
> QBUF(O, 0)
> QBUF(C, 0)
> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(0))
> QBUF(O, 1)
> QBUF(C, 1)
> <- driver returns O(0) and C(0) here
> <- userspace displays C(0)
> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(0))
> QBUF(O, 2)
> QBUF(C, 2)
> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(0))
> QBUF(O, 3)
> QBUF(C, 3)
> <- driver returns O(1) and C(1) here
> <- userspace displays C(1) and reclaims C(0)
> <- userspace also knows that any next frame will not reference C(0) anymore
> REF(ref0, out_timestamp(3))
> QBUF(O, 0)
> QBUF(C, 0)

When C(0) is queued its timestamp field is zeroed by vb2. So it can no
longer be used as a reference.

For now I want to keep the behavior like that (i.e. once you requeue a
capture buffer it can no longer be used as a reference frame for the decoder).

This limitation is something we might want to lift in the future, but
this would require more work internally.



> <- driver may pick O(3)+C(3) to decode here, but C(0)
> which is the reference for it is already QUEUED.
> Also the fact that FFmpeg wouldn't trigger such case doesn't mean that
> it's an invalid one. If I remember correctly, Chromium would actually
> trigger such, since we attempt to pipeline things as much as possible.
>> The v4l2request hwaccel will keep a AVFrame pool with preallocated
>> frames, AVFrame(x) is keeping userspace ref to O(x)+C(x).
>> An AVFrame will not be released back to the pool until FFmpeg have
>> removed it from DPB and Kodi have released it after it no longer is
>> being presented on screen.
>> E.g. an IPBIPB sequense with display order 0 2 1 3 5 4
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(0)
>> QBUF: O(0)+C(0)
>> DQBUF: O(0)+C(0)
>> Kodi: AVFrame(0) returned from FFmpeg and presented on screen
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(1) with ref to AVFrame(0)
>> QBUF: O(1)+C(1) with ref to timestamp(0)
>> DQBUF: O(1)+C(1)
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(2) with ref to AVFrame(0)+AVFrame(1)
>> QBUF: O(2)+C(2) with ref to timestamp(0)+timestamp(1)
>> DQBUF: O(2)+C(2)
>> Kodi: AVFrame(2) returned from FFmpeg and presented on screen
>> Kodi: AVFrame(0) released (no longer presented)
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(3)
>> QBUF: O(3)+C(3)
>> DQBUF: O(3)+C(3)
>> Kodi: AVFrame(1) returned from FFmpeg and presented on screen
>> Kodi: AVFrame(2) released (no longer presented)
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(2) returned to pool
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(2) with ref to AVFrame(3)
>> QBUF: O(2)+C(2) with ref to timestamp(3)
>> DQBUF: O(2)+C(2)
>> Kodi: AVFrame(3) returned from FFmpeg and presented on screen
>> Kodi: AVFrame(1) released (no longer presented)
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(0)+AVFrame(1) returned to pool (no longer referenced)
>> FFmpeg: AVFrame(0) with ref to AVFrame(3)+AVFrame(2)
>> QBUF: O(0)+C(0) with ref to timestamp(3)+timestamp(2)
>> DQBUF: O(0)+C(0)
>> Kodi: AVFrame(0) returned from FFmpeg and presented on screen
>> Kodi: AVFrame(3) released (no longer presented)
>> and so on
>> Here we can see that O(0)+C(0) will not be QBUF until after FFmpeg +
>> Kodi have released all userspace refs to AVFrame(0).
>> Above example was simplified, Kodi will normally keep a few decoded
>> frames in buffer before being presented and FFmpeg will CREATE_BUF
>> anytime the pool is empty and new O/C buffers is needed.
>> Regards,
>> Jonas
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tomasz

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