On 15 января 2010 11:15:26 pau...@planar.id.au wrote:
> I bought a DVB-S card to attach to my mythtv setup.  I knew it was
> not going to work, and I only spent $15 on it.  However, based on the
> the guy on eBay provided, it had a pci address of 195d:1105, which I
> see some people had cards that were working.

> The card itself is a no-name jobby.  I can see the DM1105 chip on it, I
> can't see any other chips with any significant pin count (lots with 3 -
> pins, but nothing with enough to be important).  There is a metal case
> around the connectors that might be hiding a frontend chip of some sort,
> but it doesn't seem to have enough connectors in and out to be doing
> that is important beyond just providing connectivity to the LNB.

Igor wrote:
> Hi Paul,

> Frontend/tuner must lay under cover.
> Subsystem: Device 195d:1105 indicates that there is no EEPROM in card.
> If you send some links/pictures/photos then it would helped a lot.
> Is there a disk with drivers for Windows?
> Also I know about dm1105 based cards with tda10086 demod, those are not
supported in the driver 

> BR
> Igor


1.  Front of card.  You can see the DM1105 in the foreground.  There are
no other significant looking chips on the card.

2.  Back of card - as you can see, there aren't a lot of places where a
lot of pins are connecting - mainly the DM1105 itself

3.  With the top metal plate removed, and with the other end of the card
in better focus.

Is it likely that there is a tuner under the card labelled "ERIT"?  To
take it off I have to unsolder some stuff - I can do that, but I reckon
it's only 50% chance the card will work again when I put it back together -
my soldering isn't so good.

Thanks heaps for the assistance.


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