Steve Longerbeam <> writes:

> Yes, the CSI on i.MX6 does not deal well with unstable bt.656 sync codes,
> which results in vertical sync issues (scrolling or split images). The
> ADV7180
> will often shift the sync codes around in various situations (initial
> power on,
> see below, also when there is an interruption of the input analog CVBS
> signal).

I'm not convinced it's the sync code issue. I've compared the key
registers (both 4.2 + your old driver vs 4.16) and this is what I got:

"adv7180 2-0020":0 [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1_mux":1  [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1_mux":2  [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1":0      [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1":2      [fmt:AYUV32/720x576 field:none]

There is H sync but no V sync. The encoding is wrong (I'm using NV12 but
what I get from /dev/video* isn't NV12).

IPU2_CSI1 registers are:
                0        4        8 C 10       14       18       1C
2a38000: 04000A20 023F02CF 023F02CF 0  0 00040030 00000000 00FF0000
vs the old driver:
         04000A30 027002CF 023F02CF 0  0 01040596 000D07DF 00FF0000

0: CSI1 Sensor Configuration (IPUx_CSI1_SENS_CONF)
The new driver uses progressive mode while the old one - interlaced

4: CSI1 Sense Frame Size Register (IPUx_CSI1_SENS_FRM_SIZE)
The new driver uses 575 lines in place of 624 (this probably needs to be
checked with the ADV7180 docs, though the old version works fine).

14, 18: CSI1 CCIR Code Register 1 and 2 (IPUx_CSI1_CCIR_CODE_[12])
The new driver doesn't use "Error detection and correction" and it seems
the codes are set for progressive mode. I think this can't work.

"adv7180 2-0020":0 [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1_mux":1  [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:none]
"ipu2_csi1_mux":2  [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:none]
"ipu2_csi1":0      [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:none]
"ipu2_csi1":2      [fmt:AYUV32/720x576 field:none]

Still, V sync but no H sync. The Y/colors are good, except that
there are two consecutive images on the screen.
2a38000: 04000A20 023F02CF 023F02CF 0  0 00040030 00000000 00FF0000
CSI set to progressive again. Setting the registers manually (SENS_CONF
and SAV/EAV codes) makes the image stabilize, though there are still two
images (split in the middle). Apparently something is simply appending
the two field images, instead of merging them properly.

"adv7180 2-0020":0 [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1_mux":1  [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1_mux":2  [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1":0      [fmt:UYVY2X8/720x576 field:interlaced]
"ipu2_csi1":2      [fmt:AYUV32/720x576 field:interlaced]

2a38000: 04000A30 027002CF 023F02CF 0  0 01040596 000D07DF 00FF0000
the CSI is set for interlaced mode, and there are two stable images
(both fields concatenated).

The first case again (all except ipu2_csi1 set to interlaced). I've
manually set the CSI registers and now the image is synchronized and
stable (one complete frame this time). The problem is it's not NV12
(nor YUV420), the colors are all green and the Y lines comes in pairs -
valid then invalid (probably color) and so on.

Could it be a DTS problem? I'm using imx6q-gw53xx.dtb file,
the 8-bit ADV7180 (40 pin version) is connected to the IPU2 CSI1 DATA,
aren't currently used, though.

I Guess I have to compare all IPU registers.
Krzysztof Halasa

Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP
Al. Jerozolimskie 202, 02-486 Warsaw, Poland

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