I have problems with my new TT S2-3200 DVB-S2 cards. Tuning / scanning
with scan-s2 / szap-s2 is fine ( well almost ). My two satellite dishes
are directing towards Astra 19.2E / Astra 28.2E.
I'm using Debian Lenny with a custom build 2.6.31 kernel und dvb-s2
drivers from the v4l-dvb repository.
The dvb channel scanner in mythtv 0.22 has massive locking problems.
Most of the found channels are not tunable. Arte works almost, RTL is
found but is not tunable.
Mythtv contains a so called signalmonitor. This signalmonitor checks 40
times a second the status of the dvb frontend. I've patched the
signalmonitor calls from 40 times to 2 times a second. With this patch,
the channelscanner works und nearly all channels are tunable.
Where is the problem? My old Skystar 2 TV PCI DVB-S cards are running
with no problem with the same system / software / dishes / coax cable
and 40 Status calls a second.
thanks in advance for your advice,
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