Hi Emmanuel,

>>> +   int flags = 0;
>>> +
>>> +   data = kmalloc(2, GFP_KERNEL);
> Isn't 1 byte enough ?

To quote from Kieran further up this thread:
>> kmalloc seems a bit of an overhead for 2 bytes (only one of which is used).
>> Can this use local stack storage?
>> (Laurent, looks like you originally wrote the code that did that, was there a
>> reason for the kmalloc for 2 bytes?)
> Aha - OK, Just spoke with Laurent and - yes this is needed, as we can't DMA to
> the stack  - I hadn't realised the 'data' was being DMA'd ..

>> All these are small issues. Let me try to address them, I'll send you an
>> updated patch shortly.

I'll be waiting.



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