>> ep: 81 l: 9 08260080ffffff5901 >> >> here you see all the ffff from the device.
You need to be able to see the traffic on the physical I2C bus in order to help diagnose issues like this. You're going to want to see ACKS/NAKS, clocks and other I2C bus activity. You'll need to solder down scl/sda/gnd wiring to the PCB, I generally attached to the eeprom which tends to have larger pins (details on their respective datasheets). It's not hard to do, but does require a small investment in hardware. One the actual bus behavior is documented and understood, you'll likely get a better technical discussion going on. Send me a detailed picture of the PCB and I can probably help spot the I2C bus for you, if you have a low cost bus analyzer and a soldering iron. -- Steven Toth - Kernel Labs http://www.kernellabs.com