> > > You had pointed me to this plugin before
> > > https://pythonhosted.org/sphinxcontrib-aafig/
> > > 
> > > but I don't think it can actually represent any of the pictures.
> > 
> > No, but there are some ascii art images inside some txt/rst files
> > and inside some kernel-doc comments. We could either use the above
> > extension for them or to convert into some image. The ascii art
> > images I saw seem to be diagrams, so Graphviz would allow replacing
> > most of them, if not all.
> Please don't replace ASCII art that effectively conveys conceptual
> diagrams.  If you do, we'll wind up in situations where someone
> hasn't built the docs and doesn't possess the tools to see a diagram
> that was previously shown by every text editor (or can't be bothered
> to dig out the now separate file).  In the name of creating
> "prettier" diagrams (and final doc), we'll have damaged capacity to
> understand stuff by just reading the source if this diagram is in
> kernel doc comments.  I think this is a good application of "if it
> ain't broke, don't fix it".

Right, I agree completely!

That's the selling point of aafig though, it translates to pretty
diagrams, but looks fine when viewed in a normal text editor (with
fixed-width font)

I had a hack elsewhere that would embed the fixed-width text if the
plugin isn't present, which seemed like a decent compromise, but nobody
is willing to let plugins be used in general to start with, it seems :)

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