Em Tue, 22 Sep 2009 01:37:51 +0300
"Aleksandr V. Piskunov" <aleksandr.v.pisku...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Is xc2028 tuner able to autodetect/handle different sound carrier standards
> without being spoon-fed precise input system information using module param
> or ioctl?
> Got an ivtv board here (AverTV MCE 116) with xc2028 and cx25843.
> When I specify a generic standard using 'v4l2-ctl -s pal', xc2028 loads
> firmware specific to PAL-BG, so if there is an PAL-DK or PAL-I signal on RF
> input... nice picture but no sound. Setting a more precise standard like
> 'v4l2-ctl -s pal-dk' fixes the issue, but other PAL-BG or PAL-I channels
> loose sound.
> Bttv board with a tin-can tuner sitting on the same RF source autodetects
> PAL-BG, PAL-DK and PAL-I without any manual intervention.
> So any voodoo tricks to get the autodetection running?

No, sorry. It requires specific and different firmwares based on your video
standard. I suspect that it is due to some firmware limiting size, since newer
products from Xceive, like xc5000 don't have such troubles, but this is just my

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