Markus Rechberger wrote:
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Mauro Carvalho
Chehab<> wrote:
Em Fri, 24 Jul 2009 12:54:27 +0200
Markus Rechberger <> escreveu:
someone has problems here? We also support available opensource
players and will contribute some patches which can be used by all
Ah well Mauro,
This mailing list, the freenode irc channels #v4l and #linuxtv, the V4L and the
LinuxTV mailing lists were created for discussing open source development
related to the kernel linux media drivers, the usability of those drivers and
related open source themes.
Anything related to binary only userspace stuff is completely out of topic and
shouldn't be posted on the above places.
Despiste what you're saying, your intention to drop support to open source is
clear: you are playing against open source since 2007, when you firstly
proposed a
frontend hook at the kernel driver for userspace. This year, you dropped all
open source trees you used to have. So, it is clear that you're out of open
source business, and you won't be giving any open source support. So, please
stop posting at the open source forums
there's no reason to argue with you since you have your own ideas. We
do give opensource support as well. So please find another target to
struggle around with. Let's see who's able to deliver the better
solution for endusers.
i see that has disappeared
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