BRUNETON Béranger wrote:
>> I have been struggling for ages with this device, trying get the firmware to 
>> load.
>> The program I wrote to extract the firmware from the driver now outputs the 
>> Intel Hex format too, used by fxload.
>> No luck : the A3 part does not get loaded, not even using fxloads' A3-loader
>> Details and downloads of code, logs etc at
>> I could use some help, like :
>>>> traces of the firmware being loaded on XP/Vista (I am using USBspy 
>>>> myself), preferably using a hardware protocol analyser
>>>> recommendations for an affordable hardware USB2 protocol analyser (I'd try 
>>>> to compare the XP-log with the non-working Linux log)
>>>> suggestions on how to proceed ...
> Do you know why it doesn't support S2 channels ?
> Hardware or software limitation ?
> Regards

I don't have much in the way of DVB-expertise, but here goes :
1) WinTV-CI doesn't participate in getting the signal, so changes in 
tuners/modulation standards/... etc shouldn't bother it
2) It is a USB2-device so should have the raw bandwidth to handle a HDTV stream
3) It uses the smartcard you'd use normally, so the actual decryption is done 
with the same hardware

so I'd venture it's a software limitation.

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