Hello Xiaolin,

I think the first patch is missing. Following your description, it may
be the "Intel Moorestown ISP driver.".
Can you re-post it please?
BTW, I didn't notice that Atom processor had a camera interface, and
even it supports dual camera as well. Can I find some datasheet or
user manual to take a look at how it works?


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Zhang, Xiaolin <xiaolin.zh...@intel.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Here is the a set of V4L2 camera sensors and ISP drivers to support the Intel 
> Moorestown camera imaging subsystem. The Camera Imaging interface in 
> Moorestown is responsible for capturing both still and video frames. The CI 
> handles demosaicing, color synthesis, filtering, image enhancement functions 
> and JPEG encode. Intel Moorestown platform can support either a single camera 
> or two cameras. A platform with two cameras will have on the same side as 
> this display and the second on the opposite side the display. The camera on 
> the display side will be used for video conferencing (with low resolution SoC 
> cameras) and the other camera is used to still image capture or video recode 
> (with high resolution RAW cameras).
> In this set of driver patches, I will submit the 5 patches to enable the ISP 
> HW and 3 cameras module (two SoCs: 1.3MP - Omnivision 9665, 2MP - Omnivison 
> 2650 and one RAW: 5MP - Omnivision 5630).
> 1. Intel Moorestown ISP driver.
> 2. Intel Moorestown camera sensor pseudo driver. This is to uniform the 
> interfaces for ISP due to supporting dual cameras.
> 3. Intel Moorestown 2MP camera sensor driver.
> 4. Intel Moorestown 5MP camera sensor driver.
> 5. Intel Moorestown 1.3MP camera sensor driver.
> I will post the above 5 patches in near feature.
> Regards,
> Xiaolin
> xiaolin.zh...@intel.com
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DongSoo, Nathaniel Kim
Mobile S/W Platform Lab.
Digital Media & Communications R&D Centre
Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.
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