On 04/16/2009 10:46 PM, Adam Baker wrote:
On Thursday 16 Apr 2009, Hans de Goede wrote:
On 04/16/2009 12:26 AM, Adam Baker wrote:
On Wednesday 15 Apr 2009, Hans de Goede wrote:
Currently only whitebalancing is enabled and only on Pixarts (pac)
webcams (which benefit tremendously from this). To test this with other
webcams (after instaling this release) do:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so v4l2ucp&
Strangely while those instructions give me a whitebalance control for the
sq905 based camera I can't get it to appear for a pac207 based camera
regardless of whether LIBV4LCONTROL_CONTROLS is set.
Thats weird, there is a small bug in the handling of pac207
cams with usb id 093a:2476 causing libv4l to not automatically
enable whitebalancing (and the control) for cams with that id,
but if you have LIBV4LCONTROL_CONTROLS set (exported!) both
when loading v4l2ucp (you must preload v4l2convert.so!) and
when loading your viewer, then it should work.

I've tested it by plugging in the sq905 camera, verifying the whitebablance
control is present and working, unplugging the sq905 and plugging in the
pac207 and using up arrow to restart v4l2ucp and svv so I think I've
eliminated most finger trouble possibilities. The pac207 is id 093a:2460 so
not the problem id. I'll have to investigate more thoroughly later.

Does the pac207 perhaps have a / in its "card" string (see v4l-info output) ?
if so try out this patch:

Thanks & Regards,

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