On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 20:35:28 +0100
Thomas Kaiser <v...@kaiser-linux.li> wrote:
> Jean-Francois Moine wrote:
> > BTW, I am coding the subdriver of a new webcam, and I could not find
> > how to decompress the images. It tried many decompression functions,
> > those from the v4l library and most from libgphoto2 without any
> > success. Does anyone know how to find the compression algorithm?
> Hello Jean-Francois
> Do you have some more information about the cam and the stream?
> Do you know the frame header?
> Any idea what the compression should be?
> Can you provide a raw stream from the cam?

Hello Thomas,

The cam is a Tascorp 17a1:0118. I have USB traces. Starting the webcam
is easy, and so is extracting the images (0x02 + 0xa0/0xa1 at start of
image packets and 0x5a + 0xa5 for end of image with average luminosity).

I attach an image I extracted by hand from the trace, removing the 2
bytes of the packets. If it can help, I may send you the whole USB trace
(3 Mb) and/or other images.


Ken ar c'hentan |             ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
Jef             |               http://moinejf.free.fr/

Attachment: image.dat
Description: Binary data

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