On Thu, 2 Jan 2025 at 23:31, Stanislav Fomichev <stfomic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/20, Alexis Lothoré wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I was looking  at other test candidates for conversion to bpf test_progs
> > framework (to increase automatic testing scope) and found test_xsk.sh, which
> > does not seem to have coverage yet in test_progs. This test validates the 
> > AF_XDP
> > socket behavior with different XDP modes (SKB, DRV, zero copy) and socket
> > configuration (normal, busy polling).
> >
> > The testing program looks pretty big, considering all files involved
> > (test_xsk.sh, xskxceiver.c, xsk.c, the different XDP programs) and the 
> > matrix of
> > tests it runs. So before really diving into it, I would like to ask:
> > - is it indeed a good/relevant target for integration in test_progs (all 
> > tests
> > look like functional tests, so I guess it is) ?
> > - if so, is there anyone already working on this ?
> > - multiple commits on xskxceiver.c hint that the program is also used for
> > testing on real hardware, could someone confirm that it is still the case
> > (similar need has been seen with test_xdp_features.sh for example) ? If so, 
> > it
> > means that the current form must be preserved, and it would be an additional
> > integration into test_progs rather a conversion (then most of the code 
> > should be
> > shared between the non-test_progs and the test_progs version)
> Since no one came back to you, here is my attempt to answer.. It is a
> good target but it is indeed a good idea to preserve the ability to
> run it outside of test_progs framework. Maybe we can eventually run
> it with the real hw (in loopback mode) from
> tools/testing/selftests/rivers/net/hw. And I don't think anybody
> is working on integrating it into test_progs. But Magnus/Maciej should
> have more context...

Sorry Alexis for the late reply. I have enjoyed a long vacation over
the holidays.

I agree with Stanislav's reply. The only thing I can add is that we
really want to preserve the ability to run on real HW as the majority
of bugs we find are indeed in the zero-copy driver implementations. So
these real HW/driver tests are more useful to us than the self
contained tests using veth.

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