The 11/15/2023 12:36, Mark Brown wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 12:45:45AM +0000, Edgecombe, Rick P wrote:
> > On Tue, 2023-11-14 at 20:05 +0000, Mark Brown wrote:
> > > +               if (size < 8)
> > > +                       return (unsigned long)ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
> > What is the intention here? The check in map_shadow_stack is to leave
> > space for the token, but here there is no token.
> It was to ensure that there is sufficient space for at least one entry
> on the stack.

end marker token (0) needs it i guess.

otherwise 0 size would be fine: the child may not execute
a call instruction at all.

> > I think for CLONE_VM we should not require a non-zero size. Speaking of
> > CLONE_VM we should probably be clear on what the expected behavior is
> > for situations when a new shadow stack is not usually allocated.
> > !CLONE_VM || CLONE_VFORK will use the existing shadow stack. Should we
> > require shadow_stack_size be zero in this case, or just ignore it? I'd
> > lean towards requiring it to be zero so userspace doesn't pass garbage
> > in that we have to accommodate later. What we could possibly need to do
> > around that though, I'm not sure. What do you think?
> Yes, requiring it to be zero in that case makes sense I think.

i think the condition is "no specified separate stack for
the child (stack==0 || stack==sp)".

CLONE_VFORK does not imply that the existing stack will be
used (a stack for the child can be specified, i think both
glibc and musl do this in posix_spawn).

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