Add a new test to verify that all expected devices from discoverable
busses (ie USB, PCI) on a given Devicetree-based platform have been
successfully instantiated and probed by a driver.

The per-platform list of expected devices is selected based on
compatible and stored under the boards/ directory.

The tests encode the devices to test for based on the hardware topology.
For USB devices, the format is:
usb <test_name> <controller_address>[,<additional_match>] <ports_path> 
<configuration> <interfaces>

The additional match field is optional and used to differentiate between
two busses (USB2 and USB3) sharing the same USB host controller.

For PCI devices, the format is:
pci <test_name> <controller_address> <device-function_pairs_path>

Signed-off-by: Nícolas F. R. A. Prado <>


 tools/testing/selftests/Makefile              |   1 +
 tools/testing/selftests/devices/.gitignore    |   1 +
 tools/testing/selftests/devices/Makefile      |   8 +
 .../devices/      | 165 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 175 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/devices/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/devices/Makefile
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/devices/

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile
index 3b2061d1c1a5..7f5088006c3c 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/Makefile
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ TARGETS += core
 TARGETS += cpufreq
 TARGETS += cpu-hotplug
 TARGETS += damon
+TARGETS += devices
 TARGETS += dmabuf-heaps
 TARGETS += drivers/dma-buf
 TARGETS += drivers/s390x/uvdevice
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/devices/.gitignore 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e3c5c04d1b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/devices/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/devices/Makefile 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff2fdc8fc5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/devices/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+TEST_FILES := boards
+include ../
+       cp ../dt/ $@
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/devices/ 
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..91842b0c769f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/devices/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Collabora Ltd
+# This script tests for presence and driver binding of devices from 
+# busses (ie USB, PCI) on Devicetree-based platforms.
+# The per-platform list of devices to be tested is stored inside the boards/
+# directory and chosen based on compatible.
+DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+source "${DIR}"/
+       name="$1"
+       controller="$2"
+       path="$3"
+       configuration="$4"
+       interfaces="$5"
+       # Extract additional match if present
+       if [[ "$controller" =~ , ]]; then
+               additional_match=${controller#*,}
+               address=${controller%,*}
+       else
+               address="$controller"
+       fi
+       for controller_uevent in /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/uevent; do
+               if grep -q "OF_FULLNAME=.*@$address$" "$controller_uevent"; then
+                       # Look for additional match if present. It is needed to
+                       # disambiguate two USB busses that share the same
+                       # controller.
+                       if [ -n "$additional_match" ]; then
+                               if ! grep -q "$additional_match" 
"$controller_uevent"; then
+                                       continue
+                               fi
+                       fi
+                       dir=$(basename "$(dirname "$controller_uevent")")
+                       busnum=${dir#usb}
+               fi
+       done
+       usbdevs=/sys/bus/usb/devices/
+       IFS=,
+       for intf in $interfaces; do
+               devfile="$busnum"-"$path":"$configuration"."$intf"
+               if [ -d "$usbdevs"/"$devfile" ]; then
+                       ktap_test_pass usb."$name"."$intf".device
+               else
+                       ktap_test_fail usb."$name"."$intf".device
+                       retval=$KSFT_FAIL
+               fi
+               if [ -d "$usbdevs"/"$devfile"/driver ]; then
+                       ktap_test_pass usb."$name"."$intf".driver
+               else
+                       ktap_test_fail usb."$name"."$intf".driver
+                       retval=$KSFT_FAIL
+               fi
+       done
+       name="$1"
+       controller="$2"
+       path="$3"
+       IFS=$'\n'
+       while read -r uevent; do
+               grep -q "OF_FULLNAME=.*@$controller$" "$uevent" || continue
+               # Ignore PCI bus directory, since it will have the same backing
+               # OF node, but not the PCI devices as subdirectories.
+               [[ "$uevent" =~ pci_bus ]] && continue
+               host_dir=$(dirname "$uevent")
+       done < <(find /sys/devices -name uevent)
+       # Add * to each level of the PCI hierarchy so we can rely on globbing to
+       # find the device directory on sysfs.
+       globbed_path=$(echo "$path" | sed -e 's|^|*|' -e 's|/|/*|')
+       device_path="$host_dir/pci*/$globbed_path"
+       # Intentionally left unquoted to allow the glob to expand
+       if [ -d $device_path ]; then
+               ktap_test_pass pci."$name".device
+       else
+               ktap_test_fail pci."$name".device
+               retval=$KSFT_FAIL
+       fi
+       if [ -d $device_path/driver ]; then
+               ktap_test_pass pci."$name".driver
+       else
+               ktap_test_fail pci."$name".driver
+               retval=$KSFT_FAIL
+       fi
+       board_file="$1"
+       num_tests=0
+       # Each USB interface in a single USB test in the board file is a
+       # separate test
+       while read -r line; do
+               num_intfs=$(echo "$line" | tr -dc , | wc -c)
+               num_intfs=$((num_intfs + 1))
+               num_tests=$((num_tests + num_intfs))
+       done < <(grep ^usb "$board_file" | cut -d ' ' -f 6 -)
+       num_pci=$(grep -c ^pci "$board_file")
+       num_tests=$((num_tests + num_pci))
+       # Account for device and driver test for each of the tests listed in the
+       # board file.
+       num_tests=$((num_tests * 2))
+       echo $num_tests
+if [ ! -f "$plat_compatible" ]; then
+       ktap_skip_all "No board compatible available"
+       exit "$KSFT_SKIP"
+compatibles=$(tr '\000' '\n' < "$plat_compatible")
+for compatible in $compatibles; do
+       if [ -f boards/"$compatible" ]; then
+               board_file=boards/"$compatible"
+               break
+       fi
+if [ -z "$board_file" ]; then
+       ktap_skip_all "No matching board file found"
+       exit "$KSFT_SKIP"
+echo "# Using board file: " "$board_file"
+ktap_set_plan "$(count_tests "$board_file")"
+source "$board_file"
+exit "${retval}"

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