From: Nicolin Chen <>

Add test cases for the IOMMU_HWPT_INVALIDATE ioctl and verify it by using

Signed-off-by: Nicolin Chen <>
Signed-off-by: Yi Liu <>
 tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c       | 71 +++++++++++++++++++
 tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h | 39 ++++++++++
 2 files changed, 110 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c 
index e0c66e70d978..456c89eb8bd1 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ TEST_F(iommufd, cmd_length)
        TEST_LENGTH(iommu_destroy, IOMMU_DESTROY, id);
        TEST_LENGTH(iommu_hw_info, IOMMU_GET_HW_INFO, __reserved);
        TEST_LENGTH(iommu_hwpt_alloc, IOMMU_HWPT_ALLOC, __reserved);
+       TEST_LENGTH(iommu_hwpt_invalidate, IOMMU_HWPT_INVALIDATE, 
        TEST_LENGTH(iommu_ioas_alloc, IOMMU_IOAS_ALLOC, out_ioas_id);
        TEST_LENGTH(iommu_ioas_iova_ranges, IOMMU_IOAS_IOVA_RANGES,
@@ -271,7 +272,9 @@ TEST_F(iommufd_ioas, alloc_hwpt_nested)
        struct iommu_hwpt_selftest data = {
                .iotlb =  IOMMU_TEST_IOTLB_DEFAULT,
+       struct iommu_hwpt_invalidate_selftest inv_reqs[2] = {0};
        uint32_t nested_hwpt_id[2] = {};
+       uint32_t num_inv, driver_error;
        uint32_t parent_hwpt_id = 0;
        uint32_t parent_hwpt_id_not_work = 0;
        uint32_t test_hwpt_id = 0;
@@ -347,6 +350,74 @@ TEST_F(iommufd_ioas, alloc_hwpt_nested)
                             _test_ioctl_destroy(self->fd, parent_hwpt_id));
+               /* hwpt_invalidate only supports a user-managed hwpt (nested) */
+               num_inv = 1;
+               test_err_hwpt_invalidate(ENOENT, parent_hwpt_id, inv_reqs,
+                                        IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_SELFTEST,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs), &num_inv, NULL);
+               /* Negative test: wrong data type */
+               num_inv = 1;
+               test_err_hwpt_invalidate(EINVAL, nested_hwpt_id[0], inv_reqs,
+                                        IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_NONE,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs), &num_inv,
+                                        &driver_error);
+               /* Negative test: structure size sanity */
+               num_inv = 1;
+               test_err_hwpt_invalidate(EINVAL, nested_hwpt_id[0], inv_reqs,
+                                        IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_SELFTEST,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs) + 1, &num_inv,
+                                        &driver_error);
+               assert(driver_error == IOMMU_TEST_INVALIDATE_ERR_FETCH);
+               num_inv = 1;
+               test_err_hwpt_invalidate(EINVAL, nested_hwpt_id[0], inv_reqs,
+                                        IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_SELFTEST,
+                                        1, &num_inv, &driver_error);
+               assert(driver_error == IOMMU_TEST_INVALIDATE_ERR_FETCH);
+               /* Invalidate the 1st iotlb entry but fail the 2nd request */
+               num_inv = 2;
+               inv_reqs[0].iotlb_id = 0;
+               inv_reqs[1].iotlb_id = MOCK_NESTED_DOMAIN_IOTLB_ID_MAX + 1;
+               test_err_hwpt_invalidate(EINVAL, nested_hwpt_id[0], inv_reqs,
+                                        IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_SELFTEST,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs), &num_inv,
+                                        &driver_error);
+               assert(num_inv == 1);
+               assert(driver_error == IOMMU_TEST_INVALIDATE_ERR_REQ);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 0, 0);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 1,
+                                         IOMMU_TEST_IOTLB_DEFAULT);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 2,
+                                         IOMMU_TEST_IOTLB_DEFAULT);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 3,
+                                         IOMMU_TEST_IOTLB_DEFAULT);
+               /* Invalidate the 2nd iotlb entry and verify */
+               num_inv = 1;
+               inv_reqs[0].iotlb_id = 1;
+               test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(nested_hwpt_id[0], inv_reqs,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs), &num_inv);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 0, 0);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 1, 0);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 2,
+                                         IOMMU_TEST_IOTLB_DEFAULT);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(nested_hwpt_id[0], 3,
+                                         IOMMU_TEST_IOTLB_DEFAULT);
+               /* Invalidate the 3rd and 4th iotlb entries and verify */
+               num_inv = 2;
+               inv_reqs[0].iotlb_id = 2;
+               inv_reqs[1].iotlb_id = 3;
+               test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(nested_hwpt_id[0], inv_reqs,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs), &num_inv);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb_all(nested_hwpt_id[0], 0);
+               /* Invalidate all iotlb entries for nested_hwpt_id[1] and 
verify */
+               num_inv = 1;
+               inv_reqs[0].flags = IOMMU_TEST_INVALIDATE_ALL;
+               test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(nested_hwpt_id[1], inv_reqs,
+                                        sizeof(*inv_reqs), &num_inv);
+               test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb_all(nested_hwpt_id[1], 0);
                /* Attach device to nested_hwpt_id[0] that then will be busy */
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h 
index ef7a346dba3a..2e9eb53a1924 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h
@@ -169,6 +169,45 @@ static int _test_cmd_hwpt_alloc(int fd, __u32 device_id, 
__u32 pt_id,
                        test_cmd_hwpt_check_iotlb(hwpt_id, i, expected);       \
+static int _test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(int fd, __u32 hwpt_id, void *reqs,
+                                    uint32_t req_type, uint32_t lreq,
+                                    uint32_t *nreqs, uint32_t *driver_error)
+       struct iommu_hwpt_invalidate cmd = {
+               .size = sizeof(cmd),
+               .hwpt_id = hwpt_id,
+               .req_type = req_type,
+               .reqs_uptr = (uint64_t)reqs,
+               .req_len = lreq,
+               .req_num = *nreqs,
+       };
+       int rc = ioctl(fd, IOMMU_HWPT_INVALIDATE, &cmd);
+       *nreqs = cmd.req_num;
+       if (driver_error)
+               *driver_error = cmd.out_driver_error_code;
+       return rc;
+#define test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(hwpt_id, reqs, lreq, nreqs)                  \
+       ({                                                                    \
+               uint32_t error, num = *nreqs;                                 \
+               ASSERT_EQ(0,                                                  \
+                         _test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(self->fd, hwpt_id, reqs,  \
+                                                   IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_SELFTEST, \
+                                                   lreq, nreqs, &error));    \
+               assert(num == *nreqs);                                        \
+               assert(error == 0);                                           \
+       })
+#define test_err_hwpt_invalidate(_errno, hwpt_id, reqs, req_type, lreq,    \
+                                nreqs, driver_error)                      \
+       ({                                                                 \
+               EXPECT_ERRNO(_errno,                                       \
+                            _test_cmd_hwpt_invalidate(self->fd, hwpt_id,  \
+                                                      reqs, req_type,     \
+                                                      lreq, nreqs,        \
+                                                      driver_error));     \
+       })
 static int _test_cmd_access_replace_ioas(int fd, __u32 access_id,
                                         unsigned int ioas_id)

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