Add DT bindings documentation for hi6220 SoC reset controller.

Signed-off-by: Chen Feng <>
 .../bindings/reset/hisilicon,hi6220-reset.txt      | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi6220.dtsi          |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/reset/hisilicon,hi6220-reset.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a23f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/reset/hisilicon,hi6220-reset.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Hisilicon System Reset Controller
+Please also refer to reset.txt in this directory for common reset
+controller binding usage.
+The reset controller node must be a sub-node of the chip controller
+node on SoCs.
+Required properties:
+- compatible: may be "hisilicon,hisi_reset_ctl"
+- reg: should be register base and length as documented in the
+  datasheet
+- #reset-cells: 1, see below
+       reset_ctrl: reset_ctrl@f7030304 {
+               compatible = "hisilicon,hi6220_reset_ctl";
+               reg = <0x0 0xf7030304 0x0 0x1000>;
+               #reset-cells = <1>;
+       };
+Specifying reset lines connected to IP modules
+        uart1: uart1@..... {
+               ...
+                resets = <&reset_ctrl 0x305>;
+               ...
+        };
+The following RESET_INDEX values are valid for hi6220 SoC:
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_MMC0             = 0x000,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_MMC1             = 0x001,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_MMC2             = 0x002,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_NANDC            = 0x003,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_USBOTG_BUS       = 0x004,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_POR_PICOPHY      = 0x005,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_USBOTG           = 0x006,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS0_USBOTG_32K       = 0x007,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS1_HIFI             = 0x100,
+       PERIPH_RSTDIS1_DIGACODEC        = 0x105,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_IPF               = 0x200,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_SOCP              = 0x201,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_DMAC              = 0x202,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_SECENG            = 0x203,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_ABB               = 0x204,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_HPM0              = 0x205,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_HPM1              = 0x206,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_HPM2              = 0x207,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN2_HPM3              = 0x208,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_CSSYS             = 0x300,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_I2C0              = 0x301,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_I2C1              = 0x302,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_I2C2              = 0x303,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_I2C3              = 0x304,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_UART1             = 0x305,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_UART2             = 0x306,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_UART3             = 0x307,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_UART4             = 0x308,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_SSP               = 0x309,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_PWM               = 0x30a,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_BLPWM             = 0x30b,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_TSENSOR           = 0x30c,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_DAPB              = 0x312,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_HKADC             = 0x313,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_CODEC_SSI         = 0x314,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN3_PMUSSI1           = 0x316,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_RS0               = 0x400,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_RS2               = 0x401,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_RS3               = 0x402,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_MS0               = 0x403,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_MS2               = 0x405,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_XG2RAM0           = 0x406,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_X2SRAM_TZMA       = 0x407,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_SRAM              = 0x408,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_HARQ              = 0x40a,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_DDRC              = 0x40c,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_DDRC_APB          = 0x40d,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_DDRPACK_APB       = 0x40e,
+       PERIPH_RSTEN8_DDRT              = 0x411,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_DAP         = 0x500,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_ATB         = 0x501,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_LBUS        = 0x502,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_POR         = 0x503,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_CORE        = 0x504,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_DBG         = 0x505,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_L2          = 0x506,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_SOCDBG      = 0x507,
+       PERIPH_RSDIST9_CARM_ETM         = 0x508,
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi6220.dtsi 
index 09bb9d1..111537a 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi6220.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi6220.dtsi
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
                reset_ctrl: reset_ctrl@f7030304 {
-                       compatible = "hisilicon,hisi_reset_ctl";
+                       compatible = "hisilicon,hi6220_reset_ctl";
                        reg = <0x0 0xf7030304 0x0 0x1000>;
                        #reset-cells = <1>;

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