Philip Lawatsch wrote:
I'm trying to log some stats for one of my server.
Now what I wanted to log is the number of pagefaults and the number of
syscalls done since system startup.
(I'm on a system without sysenter)
I thought that /proc/stat's intr line would provide information about
how often an interrupt was called. But it looks like there are only
stats about the irqs in there and not about all interrupts.
I've already found /proc/vmstat | grep pgfault which will give me the
number of pagefaults, but I'm still looking for a way to get the number
of syscalls.
I also think that the Documenation about /proc/stat is misleading
(perhaps putting the word irq somewhere in there would be a good idea).
So, is there a way to find out how often the syscall interrupt /
sysenter handler was run? I'd actually prefer to get the number for each
interrupt because then I could also track some other nice things.
I forgot to add, I'm running a 2.6.13 on x86.
kind regards Philip
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