> Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 08:59:44 +0100 (BST)
> From: Mark Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- David Brownell wrote:
> > The last couple times SPI frameworks came up here, some of the feedback
> > included "make it use the driver model properly; don't be like I2C".
> > 
> > In hopes that it'll be useful, here's a small SPI core with driver model
> > support driven from board-specific tables listing devices.  I expect the
> > I/O call(s) could stand to change; but at least this one starts out right,
> > based on async I/O.  (There's a synchronous call; it's a trivial wrapper.)
> > 
> >     ...
> Well I guess great minds think alike ;-). After
> looking though my SPI core layer I released that it in
> no way reflected the new driver model (not surprising
> as it was a copy of i2c-core.c) and I would probably
> get laughed off the kernel mailing list if I sent it
> as was ;-).  

That usually doesn't happen.  You'd just be told "make it use the driver
model properly; don't be like I2C."  Though maybe there'd be a fiew
other criticisms mixed in.  :)

> I am now writing a new spi-core.c which uses the new
> driver model.

How about just merging the code I sent?  It's not large, and it solves
that problem.  I don't much care about the I/O model issues quite yet,
though requirements for quick sensor captures (RPC-ish) would seem
different from ones like reading bulk SPI flash data.

> For registering an adapter:
> 1) Register an adapter that has a cs table showing
> where devices sit on the adapter.

But how is the adapter driver itself supposed to know that?

That's what I addressed with my patch:  the need for the config tables
to be **independent** of controller (and protocol) code.  It decouples
all the board-specific tables from the drivers.

(Example shown below.)

The nightmare to avoid is this:  EVERY time someone adds a new
SPI-equipped board, working/debugged/stable drivers need to change,
because the board-specific config data was never separated from the
drivers.  (And we know it can be, as shown in the patch I posted...)

Ideally adding a new board means adding a source file for just that one
board, with the relevent implementation parameters.  Only when hardware
guys do something funky should any driver need to change.

> 2) This causes spi-core to enumerate the devices on
> the cs table and register them.
> For un-registering an adapter:
> 1) Unregister an adapter
> 2) This causes spi-core to remove all the children of
> the adapter

Right, that's all exactly as in the patch I posted, though I punted
on the "unregister" path -- an exercise for the reader! -- because I
wanted to focus on (a) the driver model structure, like where things
land in sysfs, and (b) how to keep board-specific initialization code
out of controller and protocol drivers.

- Dave

--- o26.orig/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-osk.c    2005-08-27 02:11:45.000000000 
+++ o26/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-osk.c 2005-08-27 18:44:20.000000000 -0700
@@ -193,6 +193,34 @@ static struct omap_board_config_kernel o
+#include <linux/spi.h>
+struct ads7864_info {          /* FIXME put in standard header */
+       u16     pen_irq, busy;          /* GPIO lines */
+       u16     x_ohms, y_ohms;
+static struct ads7864_info mistral_ts_info = {
+       .pen_irq        = OMAP_GPIO_IRQ(4),
+       .busy           = /* GPIO */ 6,
+       .x_ohms         = 419,
+       .y_ohms         = 486,
+static const struct spi_board_info mistral_boardinfo[] = {
+       /* MicroWire CS0 has an ads7846e with touchscreen and
+        * other sensors.  It's currently glued into some OMAP
+        * touchscreen support that ignores the driver model.
+        */
+       .driver_name    = "ads7846",
+       .platform_data  = &mistral_ts_info,
+       .max_speed_hz   = 2000000,
+       .bus_num        = 2,            /* spi2 == microwire */
+       .chip_select    = 0,
 #ifdef CONFIG_PM
 static irqreturn_t
 osk_mistral_wake_interrupt(int irq, void *ignored, struct pt_regs *regs)
@@ -211,6 +239,9 @@ static void __init osk_mistral_init(void
         * But this is too early for that...
+       spi_register_board_info(mistral_boardinfo,
+                       ARRAY_SIZE(mistral_boardinfo));
        /* the sideways button (SW1) is for use as a "wakeup" button */
        if (omap_request_gpio(OMAP_MPUIO(2)) == 0) {
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