Svetoslav Slavtchev wrote:

sorry for replying in this way, but i'm not subscribed
to lkml, and please do CC me

ruby is still maintained and the list is pretty active
although that is mostly volunteer work from Aivils
Thats good. Googling for it I found too many hits, and the ones I looked at were all older than Dec 2003.

it's running pretty stable on x86 and x86_64
and there are patches almost all recent 2.6 kernels (upto 2.6.12)
excellent - I'm running 2.6.11-21.8 (SuSE 9.3)

and IIRC another person is maintaing the backport to linux-2.4

please check out this site :
Have bookmarked it - thanks.



from user experiances, i doubt you'll be able to get it
running with onboard graphic or with "fake" multihead card
Not an issue - I intend to use onboard and 2 PCI (nvidia FX5200 based) cards. (or maybe even 2 PCIExpress in discreet mode on a mobo with 2 slots. - dont know yet....)

/* under "fake" i do understand almost all cards on the market
that are dualhead, and under "real" Matrox's G200/G450 MMS
which do have 4 real chips on it */
Yes - I understand this too and I have also noted that this doesn't work. ie: you *need* seperate graphics controllers.

Cheers & many thanks for the pointers,


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