Hi Alexandre,

Alexandre Belloni <alexandre.bell...@free-electrons.com> wrote 2015-06-02 
PM 06:26:39:
> Re: [PATCH v2 1/4] drivers/rtc/pcf8563: Replace deprecated 
> rtc_time_to_tm() and rtc_tm_to_time()
> Xunlei,
> Could you please include a cover letter describing what you are trying
> to achieve when sending your series?
> You have lot of pending patches (27 in patchwork right now) and until
> now, I've pushed back on the reviews because it is really really a pain
> to follow what you are sending, resending and dropping.
> Also, for some series, you sent multiple v2 in a 3 days interval.

Apologies for the spamming, please ignore all those former 27 pending 

I'll re-organize them with a cover letter, will resend them as new ones 

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