Dne 27.5.2015 v 00:15 David Howells napsal(a):
> Hi Michal,
> Could you have a look at the patch at the end of my branch:
> http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/dhowells/linux-fs.git/log/?h=modsign-pkcs7
> It changes things from picking up arbitrary *.x509 files dropped in the kernel
> source and/or build directory to taking a single named PEM file with all the
> additional certs as a string config option.  The PEM file can contain multiple
> certs simply cat'd together.
> If you're okay with that, it obsoletes these patches of yours.
I'm fine with the concept as it indeed solves the problem with the
wildcard matching for good. So please drop the patches that I posted.

The only issue is that the makefile expressions are a bit hairy. For
starters, we already have definitions for $(quote) and $(space) in
kbuild. I'll have a closer look at the config_filename macro and try to
simplify it somehow. But it's just cosmetics, the patch can be merged as
is for now.

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