> > > This is a lot to do in just one patch.  Any chance you can split it up
> > > into reviewable pieces?
> >
> > I thought it would be harder to swallow but I'm not sure how to really
> > split this into working pieces w/o do some artificial steps which
> >  I will have to validate again to keep the code bisectable.
> That's fine, that's your job to do :)

I'd would prefer to do something that wasn't' already done.

> > What could be naturally factored out is already in separate  patches in this
> series.
> > The patch is maybe bigger because of code moves between files but what has
> really changes is just bus.c
> Then do the movement of functions around in one patch, and then the
> logical changes in others.  Come on, you know how this whole thing
> works, don't be lazy here...
Yep, I know how it works, but here it just didn't fit as the logical changes 
moved also the code.
Okay, I will split the code but allow me one comment, I think that you were 
lazy too  go into details and  you didn't send us to hell when we first 
submitted that bus code.

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