On Wed, 2015-05-13 at 18:11 +0100, Liviu Dudau wrote:
> Prepare the device tree for adding more boards based on Juno r0.
> Signed-off-by: Liviu Dudau <liviu.du...@arm.com>
> ---
>  arch/arm64/boot/dts/arm/juno-base.dtsi | 125 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  arch/arm64/boot/dts/arm/juno.dts       | 122 +-------------------------------

What criteria were used to select the contents of juno-base.dtsi?
>From what I can see, the stuff left out of base is still the same for r0
and r1 (cpu, pmu, memory, psci!). And so juno-r1.dts could just be

#include "juno.dts"

/ {
        model = "ARM Juno development board (r1)";


&memtimer {
        status = "okay";

Yes, it's a bit hacky, but avoids duplication of source code.

I can only assume there are come non-public differences between r0 and


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