From: "Paul E. McKenney" <>

Signed-off-by: Paul E. McKenney <>
 Documentation/RCU/arrayRCU.txt        | 20 ++++++++++++++++----
 Documentation/RCU/lockdep.txt         | 10 ----------
 Documentation/RCU/rcu_dereference.txt | 33 ++++++++++++---------------------
 Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt       |  2 --
 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/RCU/arrayRCU.txt b/Documentation/RCU/arrayRCU.txt
index 453ebe6953ee..f05a9afb2c39 100644
--- a/Documentation/RCU/arrayRCU.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RCU/arrayRCU.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,19 @@ also be used to protect arrays.  Three situations are as 
 3.  Resizeable Arrays
-Each of these situations are discussed below.
+Each of these three situations involves an RCU-protected pointer to an
+array that is separately indexed.  It might be tempting to consider use
+of RCU to instead protect the index into an array, however, this use
+case is -not- supported.  The problem with RCU-protected indexes into
+arrays is that compilers can play way too many optimization games with
+integers, which means that the rules governing handling of these indexes
+are far more trouble than they are worth.  If RCU-protected indexes into
+arrays prove to be particularly valuable (which they have not thus far),
+explicit cooperation from the compiler will be required to permit them
+to be safely used.
+That aside, each of the three RCU-protected pointer situations are
+described in the following sections.
 Situation 1: Hash Tables
@@ -36,9 +48,9 @@ Quick Quiz:  Why is it so important that updates be rare when
 Situation 3: Resizeable Arrays
 Use of RCU for resizeable arrays is demonstrated by the grow_ary()
-function used by the System V IPC code.  The array is used to map from
-semaphore, message-queue, and shared-memory IDs to the data structure
-that represents the corresponding IPC construct.  The grow_ary()
+function formerly used by the System V IPC code.  The array is used
+to map from semaphore, message-queue, and shared-memory IDs to the data
+structure that represents the corresponding IPC construct.  The grow_ary()
 function does not acquire any locks; instead its caller must hold the
 ids->sem semaphore.
diff --git a/Documentation/RCU/lockdep.txt b/Documentation/RCU/lockdep.txt
index cd83d2348fef..da51d3068850 100644
--- a/Documentation/RCU/lockdep.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RCU/lockdep.txt
@@ -47,11 +47,6 @@ checking of rcu_dereference() primitives:
                Use explicit check expression "c" along with
                srcu_read_lock_held()().  This is useful in code that
                is invoked by both SRCU readers and updaters.
-       rcu_dereference_index_check(p, c):
-               Use explicit check expression "c", but the caller
-               must supply one of the rcu_read_lock_held() functions.
-               This is useful in code that uses RCU-protected arrays
-               that is invoked by both RCU readers and updaters.
                Don't check.  (Use sparingly, if at all.)
        rcu_dereference_protected(p, c):
@@ -64,11 +59,6 @@ checking of rcu_dereference() primitives:
                but retain the compiler constraints that prevent duplicating
                or coalescsing.  This is useful when when testing the
                value of the pointer itself, for example, against NULL.
-       rcu_access_index(idx):
-               Return the value of the index and omit all barriers, but
-               retain the compiler constraints that prevent duplicating
-               or coalescsing.  This is useful when when testing the
-               value of the index itself, for example, against -1.
 The rcu_dereference_check() check expression can be any boolean
 expression, but would normally include a lockdep expression.  However,
diff --git a/Documentation/RCU/rcu_dereference.txt 
index ceb05da5a5ac..66864d2a7f60 100644
--- a/Documentation/RCU/rcu_dereference.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RCU/rcu_dereference.txt
@@ -25,17 +25,6 @@ o    You must use one of the rcu_dereference() family of 
        for an example where the compiler can in fact deduce the exact
        value of the pointer, and thus cause misordering.
-o      Do not use single-element RCU-protected arrays.  The compiler
-       is within its right to assume that the value of an index into
-       such an array must necessarily evaluate to zero.  The compiler
-       could then substitute the constant zero for the computation, so
-       that the array index no longer depended on the value returned
-       by rcu_dereference().  If the array index no longer depends
-       on rcu_dereference(), then both the compiler and the CPU
-       are within their rights to order the array access before the
-       rcu_dereference(), which can cause the array access to return
-       garbage.
 o      Avoid cancellation when using the "+" and "-" infix arithmetic
        operators.  For example, for a given variable "x", avoid
        "(x-x)".  There are similar arithmetic pitfalls from other
@@ -76,14 +65,15 @@ o   Do not use the results from the boolean "&&" and "||" 
        dereferencing.  For example, the following (rather improbable)
        code is buggy:
-               int a[2];
-               int index;
-               int force_zero_index = 1;
+               int *p;
+               int *q;
-               r1 = rcu_dereference(i1)
-               r2 = a[r1 && force_zero_index];  /* BUGGY!!! */
+               p = rcu_dereference(gp)
+               q = &global_q;
+               q += p != &oom_p1 && p != &oom_p2;
+               r1 = *q;  /* BUGGY!!! */
        The reason this is buggy is that "&&" and "||" are often compiled
        using branches.  While weak-memory machines such as ARM or PowerPC
@@ -94,14 +84,15 @@ o   Do not use the results from relational operators ("==", 
        ">", ">=", "<", or "<=") when dereferencing.  For example,
        the following (quite strange) code is buggy:
-               int a[2];
-               int index;
-               int flip_index = 0;
+               int *p;
+               int *q;
-               r1 = rcu_dereference(i1)
-               r2 = a[r1 != flip_index];  /* BUGGY!!! */
+               p = rcu_dereference(gp)
+               q = &global_q;
+               q += p > &oom_p;
+               r1 = *q;  /* BUGGY!!! */
        As before, the reason this is buggy is that relational operators
        are often compiled using branches.  And as before, although
diff --git a/Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt b/Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt
index 88dfce182f66..b201d4cd77f9 100644
--- a/Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt
@@ -879,9 +879,7 @@ SRCU:       Initialization/cleanup
 All:  lockdep-checked RCU-protected pointer access
-       rcu_access_index
-       rcu_dereference_index_check

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