On Sad, 2005-07-23 at 14:28 +1200, mdew wrote:
> I'm unable to mount an ext2 drive using the hpt370A raid card.
> upon mounting the drive, dmesg will spew these errors..I've tried
> different cables and drive is fine.

> Jul 23 01:30:21 localhost kernel: hdf: dma timeout error: status=0x25
> { DeviceFault CorrectedError Error }
> Jul 23 01:30:21 localhost kernel: hdf: dma timeout error: error=0x25 {
> DriveStatusError AddrMarkNotFound }, LBAsect=8830589412645,
> high=526344, low=2434341, sector=390715711

Your drive disagrees with you. Note that it said

"Device fault"
"Drive Status Error"
"Address Mark Not Found"

that came from the drive not the OS.

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