On 03/14, Josh Triplett wrote:
> What I was proposing was that a task that isn't yet dead, but that is
> going to be autoreaped, is not eligible for waiting either.  All the
> various wait* familiy of system calls should pretend it doesn't exist at
> all, because returning an autoreaped task from a wait* call introduces a
> race condition if the parent tries to *do* anything with the returned
> PID.  If you launch a process with CLONE_FD, you need to manage it
> exclusively with that fd, not with the wait* family of system calls.
> That also implies that the child-stop and child-continued mechanisms
> (do_notify_parent_cldstop, WSTOPPED, WCONTINUED) should ignore the task
> too.  In the future there could be a flag to clone4 that lets you get
> stop and continue notifications through the file descriptor.

So far I strongly disagree, and I think that "autoreap" feature should
not depend on CLONE_FD.

However, as I already said, perhaps something like W_IGNORE_AUTOREAP
for wait* makes sense.

Plus we should also discuss the reparenting. Ok, let me leave this
discussion until I read 0/4 at least.


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