Dear Developers,
This might be a known issue but it is not known to me!
I tried to compile kernel 2.4.22 under Crux Linux,
and the compilation stopped in sched.c. I do not have
to say much to you because it seems a compiler
I guess that it would compile nicely with gcc-3.3.X.

The problem is in the following piece of code:
#define FASTCALL(x)     x __attribute__((regparm(3)))

for instance in the following piece of code:
// file inc.h
#ifndef inc_h
#define inc_h

#define FASTCALL(x)     x __attribute__((regparm(3)))
extern int FASTCALL(wake_up(double a));


// file inc.c
#include "inc.h"
inline int wake_up(double a)
    return (int) a;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gcc-3.4.4 inc.c -c 
inc.c:3: error: conflicting types for 'wake_up'
inc.h:5: error: previous declaration of 'wake_up' was
inc.c:3: error: conflicting types for 'wake_up'
inc.h:5: error: previous declaration of 'wake_up' was

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gcc-3.3.1 inc.c -c 

so it is indeed a compiler problem!
The question is how do I compile a 2.4.X kernel with 

Thanks in advance!
Best Wishes!

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