On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 at 17:41:00 -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:

> The patch was empty.  That happens sometimes.  I like to be able to apply
> empty patches, but yes, perhaps that should require -f.
> Either drop the patch of use -f.

  OK, those are easy enough to comment out but I thought the broken-out
tar file would be cleaner than that.

> I fix up the offset errors relatively infrequently, and they all come back
> very soon.

  While playing with this cleanup script:

#! /bin/bash

[ -f patches/series ]  ||  exit 1

echo $"Refreshing all patches in series..."
quilt pop -a

cat patches/series  |  while read line
        if [ -z "$line" ]  ||  [ "${line:0:1}" == "#" ]

        echo ""
        quilt push $line

        if [ $? != 0 ]
                echo -e $"\nError at line" $lineno ":"
                echo -e $line

        quilt refresh

  I found:

Usage: quilt push [-afqv] [--leave-rejects] [num|patch]

Error at line 308 :
 # ak no likee

  I thought this was an isolated instance and fixed it up, then found:

        x86-64-ptrace-ia32-bp-fix.patch # ak no likee

This breaks quilt when you try to push patches by name:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2.6.13-rc2-mm2]$ quilt push x86-64-ptrace-ia32-bp-fix.patch
Applying x86-64-ptrace-ia32-bp-fix.patch
patch: no: extra operand
patch: Try `/usr/bin/patch --help' for more information.
Patch x86-64-ptrace-ia32-bp-fix.patch does not apply (enforce with -f)

  Quilt docs only say lines beginning with "#" are ignored, nothing about it
after a patch name.

  ...and BTW why does every line in the series file have a trailing space?

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