Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
>>>>Aww crap, thunderbird screwed up the white space...
>>>>A usable version of the patch is attached, or here is a link:
>>>Wrong indentation in acpi_vgapost; I remember there was better patch
>>>to fix this out there.
>>Ok, I'll go through and fix any coding style problems.  I've only seen
>>older versions of this same patch, but if there is a better way I'd love
>>to hear it.  I'll google around a little more just in case.
> It *was* version of the same patch, but it had codingstyle fixed, IIRC.

Ok, thats an easy fix then :-)
>>>Anyway, are you sure machine you have can't be fixed by any methods
>>>listed in Doc*/power/video.txt? I guess they are preferable to
>>Actually, this is one of the metholds listed in video.txt. Take a look
>>at #7 ;-).  I just tried acpi_sleep=s3_bios to see what that does, but
>>just caused an instant reboot on resume.  The only other solutions that
>>works is to disable the frame buffer and use X or some other app to do
>>the job as listed in #5 and #6, but something in kernel like this patch
>>is required to be able to use the framebuffer.
> I'd say that disabling framebuffer and going #5 or #6 is still
> prefered, but given nice patch, I'll probably accept it. Oh, and do
> note that (7) is listed near just one notebook.
>                                                               Pavel

Well, before the patch is ever concidered for the mainline I think
the issue with acquire_console_sem() causing the resume process to
stop and wait for a key press would have to be addressed.

This option could be listed for more notebooks with radeon cards,
for example mine is an Dell Inspiron 8500.

Michael Marineau
Oregon State University

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