The if and the else branch code are identical - so the condition has no
effect on the effective code - this patch removes the condition and the
duplicated code.

Signed-off-by: Nicholas Mc Guire <>

The if/else performing the same settings in both branches so the
condition has no effect.

This needs a check by someone who knows the details of the driver 
as it could be that the two branches actually should be different.

Patch was only compile-tested for x86_64_defconfig + CONFIG_STAGING=y

Patch is against 3.19.0-rc7 (localversion-next is -next-20150204)

 drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c |    9 ++-------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c 
index 9873998..878c460 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c
@@ -534,13 +534,8 @@ void odm_DIGInit(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
        pDM_DigTable->RssiHighThresh    = DM_DIG_THRESH_HIGH;
        pDM_DigTable->FALowThresh       = DM_false_ALARM_THRESH_LOW;
        pDM_DigTable->FAHighThresh      = DM_false_ALARM_THRESH_HIGH;
-       if (pDM_Odm->BoardType == ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR) {
-               pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC;
-               pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_min = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC;
-       } else {
-               pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC;
-               pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_min = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC;
-       }
+       pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC;
+       pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_min = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC;
        pDM_DigTable->BackoffVal = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_DEFAULT;
        pDM_DigTable->BackoffVal_range_max = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_MAX;
        pDM_DigTable->BackoffVal_range_min = DM_DIG_BACKOFF_MIN;

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