Can you send me the oops capture ??

Atro Tossavainen wrote:

I got my hands on a Texas Instruments ThunderLAN PCI 100 Mbit card (PCI
ID 104c:0500), which is what SGI are supplying if you want a second NIC
in your O2.  It appears that this card is not supported by the tlan
driver in the Linux kernel (at least not in 2.4.29, which is what I am
using on the machine I tried it on).  Patching the driver with the
relevant PCI IDs allowed the detection of the card, as shown in dmesg:

ThunderLAN driver v1.15
TLAN: eth0 irq=15, io=8400, Compaq NetFlex-3/E, Rev. 48
TLAN: 1 device installed, PCI: 1  EISA: 0

and in "ifconfig eth0":

eth0    Link encap: Ethernet   HWaddr 00:00:58:01:55:53

(and the rest of the normal stuff)

but trying to configure the interface with an address and bringing
it up caused a kernel oops.  (This is on Alpha.)

# ifconfig eth0 inet blah... up
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000093fcb04
Segmentation fault

In dmesg, there is an

ifconfig(4218): Oops 0
followed by a register dump, a trace, and some code.

Any ideas?

-- P.Lavin Software Engineer, Redpine Signals ,Inc. Hyderabad. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at

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