This + next patch were "modprobe tcrypt" tested.
See next mail.
diff -urpN 2.6.12-rc2.0.orig/crypto/sha512.c
--- 2.6.12-rc2.0.orig/crypto/sha512.c	Tue Apr 19 00:20:12 2005
+++	Mon Apr 18 23:31:54 2005
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static const u64 sha512_K[80] = {
 static inline void LOAD_OP(int I, u64 *W, const u8 *input)
-	W[I] = __be64_to_cpu( ((__be64*)(input))[I] );
+	W[I] = __be64_to_cpu( ((__be64*)input)[I] );
 static inline void BLEND_OP(int I, u64 *W)
@@ -124,9 +124,8 @@ sha512_transform(u64 *state, u64 *W, con
         for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                 LOAD_OP(i, W, input);
-        for (i = 16; i < 80; i++) {
+        for (i = 16; i < 80; i++)
                 BLEND_OP(i, W);
-        }
 	/* load the state into our registers */
 	a=state[0];   b=state[1];   c=state[2];   d=state[3];  
@@ -238,36 +237,17 @@ sha512_final(void *ctx, u8 *hash)
         static u8 padding[128] = { 0x80, };
-        u32 t;
-	u64 t2;
         u8 bits[128];
 	unsigned int index, pad_len;
-	int i, j;
+	int i;
-        index = pad_len = t = i = j = 0;
-        t2 = 0;
+	index = pad_len = i = 0;
 	/* Save number of bits */
-	t = sctx->count[0];
-	bits[15] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[14] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[13] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[12] = t; 
-	t = sctx->count[1];
-	bits[11] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[10] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[9 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[8 ] = t; 
-	t = sctx->count[2];
-	bits[7 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[6 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[5 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[4 ] = t; 
-	t = sctx->count[3];
-	bits[3 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[2 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[1 ] = t; t>>=8;
-	bits[0 ] = t; 
+	((__be32*)bits)[3] = __cpu_to_be32(sctx->count[0]);
+	((__be32*)bits)[2] = __cpu_to_be32(sctx->count[1]);
+	((__be32*)bits)[1] = __cpu_to_be32(sctx->count[2]);
+	((__be32*)bits)[0] = __cpu_to_be32(sctx->count[3]);
 	/* Pad out to 112 mod 128. */
 	index = (sctx->count[0] >> 3) & 0x7f;
@@ -278,17 +258,8 @@ sha512_final(void *ctx, u8 *hash)
 	sha512_update(sctx, bits, 16);
 	/* Store state in digest */
-	for (i = j = 0; i < 8; i++, j += 8) {
-		t2 = sctx->state[i];
-		hash[j+7] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j+6] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j+5] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j+4] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j+3] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j+2] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j+1] = (char)t2 & 0xff; t2>>=8;
-		hash[j  ] = (char)t2 & 0xff;
-	}
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+		((__be64*)hash)[i] = __cpu_to_be64(sctx->state[i]);
 	/* Zeroize sensitive information. */
 	memset(sctx, 0, sizeof(struct sha512_ctx));

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