On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 01:31:19AM -0700, Andy Isaacson wrote:
> Does dmcrypt have a simple operation mode like OpenBSD's encrypted swap?
> I want to be able to 'sysctl -w kernel.swap_crypt=1' and get

It's not that easy however the distros can make it so that it's as
simple as running one command to enable/disable it.

>  * pages are encrypted as they're written to swap


>  * the key is automatically regenerated every 2 hours (or whatever); as
>    pages encrypted under the old key age out, it can be freed eventually

This'll require changes to dmcrypt but it's doable.

>  * I don't have to manage keys, choose algorithms, futz with /etc/fstab,
>    figure out complex configs for /dev/loopN, etc

You don't need to worry about keys unless you want to read from the swap
after a reboot, i.e., swsusp.

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